Discover Hard Rock

Discover rare and collectible records from the Hard Rock genre. Records you might have never heard of before, but which are in high demand by collectors. Find out why!
- Stonewall
Tiger Lily TL 14013 (USA 1976)
2500 €
Lindquist, Freddy
- Menu
Flower TNLP 31 (NOR 1970)
1250 €
- Sinister Soldiers
Century 45484 (USA 1978)
1000 €
Chicken Bones
- Hard Rock In Concert
NOTES: 300 copies only
Procom BTS 027606 (GER 1976)
750 €
- Asterix
Decca SLK 16695-P (GER 1970)
250 €
Kin Ping Meh
- Kin Ping Meh 3
Zebra 2949 011 (GER 1973)
200 €
Lucifer's Friend
- Lucifer's Friend
Philips 6305 068 (GER 1970)
75 €
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