Most Valuable Records

Beatles, TheParlophone PCS 3042UK 19635000 € 
- Please Please Me (gold on black label, value: open end) 
Beatles, TheCapitol ST 2553USA 19665000 € 
- Yesterday And Today (First State) (value: open end. First state 'Butcher Cover') 
Forever AmberAdvance M ADV 001001UK 19695000 € 
- The Love Cycle (99 copies only) 
KaleidoscopeOrfeon LP-12-666MEX 19695000 € 
- Kaleidoscope (Mexican psychedelic. Value: open end) 
Kali, MaitreyaNo Label -USA 19725000 € 
- Apache / Inca (2LP-Set, only a handful copies survived, value: open end) 
La Seconda GenesiPicci GLA 2002ITA 19725000 € 
- Tutto Deve Finire (value: open end. Only 200 copies with handmade covers) 
Nichols, BillyImmediate IMCP 009UK 19675000 € 
- Would You Believe (value: open end) 
Rin EricNo Label -UK 19725000 € 
- The Soundtrack To The Movie In Your Mind (50 copies only, handmade cover and labels) 
Rolling Stones, TheDecca LK 4838UK 19675000 € 
- Have You Seen Your Mother LIVE! (mono, very rare) 
Various ArtistsPrivate -USA 19635000 € 
- Giant Size $1.57 Each (Interview album, 75 signed copies, Andy Warhol Coverart) 
GrannieSRT SRT 71138UK 19714000 € 
- Grannie (99 copies only, handmade sleeve) 
A Fleeting GlanceNo Label AS 2324UK 19703500 € 
- A Fleeting Glance (only a handful copies known to exist) 
AnalogyVentotto PRV 2204ITA 19723500 € 
- Analogy  
Fingletoad, Strange & SihoZut Records 1147USA 19703500 € 
- Mazzola 
Folkal PointMidas MR 003UK 19723500 € 
- Folkal Point  
Fresh Blueberry PancakeNo Label -USA 19703500 € 
- Fresh Blueberry Pancake (50 copies only? Value: open end) 
JudgeRevelation REV-1USA 19893500 € 
- Chung King Can Suck It (limited edition, 100 copies on white vinyl) 
Leaf HoundDecca SKL 5094UK 19713500 € 
- Growers Of Mushroom  
MisfitsPlan 9 PL9/06USA 19863500 € 
- Legacy Of Brutality (Pink Vinyl) (16 copies only?) 
PhafnerDragon 101USA 19713500 € 
- Overdrive  
Steiner, MaxRCA LOC 1013USA 19543500 € 
- The Caine Mutiny (Soundtrack) (withdrawn album) 
Stevens, MickDeroy DER 1299UK 19753500 € 
- No Savage Word 
Van Der Graaf GeneratorMercury SMCL 20177UK 19703500 € 
- The Aerosol Grey Machine (withdrawn, value uncertain) 
Witch, TheTeal ZTZ 1ZAM 19753500 € 
- Lazy Bones (Zambian pressing, African psychedelic) 
All Of ThusCentury 27916USA 19673000 € 
- All Of Thus (200 copies only?) 
Captain MarryatThor 1007 SUK 19743000 € 
- Captain Marryat (200 copies only) 
Century Symphony OrchestraCamden CAE 158USA 19563000 € 
- Waltzes by Johann Strauss, Jr. (7" EP) (Andy Warhol Coverart) 
Mag-AmplitudeNo Label MA-1983-01USA 19833000 € 
- Wizards Of Today 
PhantasiaDamon D-12918USA 19713000 € 
- Phantasia (25 copies only) 
Rising Storm, TheRemnant BBA-3571USA 19673000 € 
- Calm Before... (500 copies only) 
Rostvold, BjarneHit HR 710DEN 19613000 € 
- Jazz Journey 
Velvet UndergroundVerve V-5008USA 19673000 € 
- The Velvet Underground & Nico (first mono pressing with unpeeled banana, Eric Emerson back cover) 
Beatles, TheVee Jay SR 1062USA 19642500 € 
- Introducing The Beatles (Version 1) (many different versions, price range ~500€ to ~5000€) 
Cherry FiveCinevox SC 33/27ITA 19752500 € 
- Cherry Five  
ComplexNo Label CLPM 001UK 19702500 € 
- Complex (99 copies only. Scottish psych) 
Cooper, John & PhilipaParlophone PCSJ 12050RSA 19692500 € 
- The Cooperville Times (impossible to find anywhere, value: open end) 
DragonwyckCleveland -USA 19732500 € 
- Dragonwyck II (demo copies only, plain sleeve) 
Greenwood, NicholasKingdom KVL 9002UK 19732500 € 
- Cold Cuts  
Haymarket SquareChaparral CRM-201USA 19682500 € 
- Magic Lantern (100 copies only?) 
IndexDC -USA 19682500 € 
- Index (200 copies only) 
Marrero, Ricardo & The GroupTSG TSG 805USA 19762500 € 
- A Taste  
Mobley, HankBlue Note BLP 1568USA 19572500 € 
- Hank Mobley (with Bill Hardman, Curtis Porter, Sonny Clark ) 
PaternosterCBS 64958AUT 19722500 € 
- Paternoster (Austrian pressing) 
Peterson, Marvin & The SoulmastersCentury 32768USA 19682500 € 
- In Concert (Live at the Burning Bush) 
Pullen, Don & Milford GravesSRP PG-286USA 19662500 € 
- In Concert At Yale University (very small print, individually handpainted sleeves) 
Sims, ZootDucretet Thomson 250 V 023FRA 19562500 € 
- Avec Henri Renaud Et Son Orchestre (10"-LP, with Jon Eardley) 
SindelfingenMedway -UK 19732500 € 
- Odgipig (99 copies only) 
StonewallTiger Lily TL 14013USA 19762500 € 
- Stonewall  
Sun RaEl Saturn GH 9954-E/FUSA 19652500 € 
- Secrets Of The Sun (orange vinyl) 
TouchstoneNo Label MAS 9UK 19722500 € 
- Music From Pandora's Box (with lyric sheet) 
Ultra VioletCapitol ST 11244USA 19732500 € 
- Ultra Violet (withdrawn album, Andy Warhol superstar, with Warhol back cover) 
Uncle FunkensteinR&L 1002USA 19832500 € 
- Together Again (2LP-Set) 
AugustNise Sound 31USA 19682000 € 
- August (100 copies only. Value: open end) 
Axen, BentFona-Klubben LPJ 416DEN 19592000 € 
- Poll Winner 1959 
Bachs, TheRoto PR-1044USA 19682000 € 
- Out Of The Bachs  
Beatles, TheParlophone PPCS 7067/68UK 19682000 € 
- The Beatles (White Album) (2LP-Set. Export only, yellow on black label) 
Beatles, TheOdeon PPCS 7070UK 19692000 € 
- Yellow Submarine (Export only, silver on black label) 
Bent WindTrend T-1015CAN 19692000 € 
- Sussex (500 copies only?) 
Blind OwlNo Label KC-1010CAN 19732000 € 
- Blind Owl (100 copies only, Ontario folk trio) 
Brief EncounterSeventy-Seven 77-102USA 19772000 € 
- Brief Encounter 
Cook CountyGreedy 1003USA 19782000 € 
- Released (promotional copies only?) 
Courtyard Music GroupNo Label -UK 19742000 € 
- Just Our Way Of Saying Hello (100 copies only) 
Crystal CircusAll-American AA-5733USA 19682000 € 
- In Relation To Our Times (value open end, might be test pressings only) 
DamonAnkh -USA 19692000 € 
- Song Of A Gypsy (100 copies with textured gatefold sleeve) 
Everett, RonVagabond King DM 84730USA 19772000 € 
- The Glitter Of The City (handmade sleeves, very small print) 
Hipp, Jutta & Zoot SimsBlue Note BLP 1530USA 19562000 € 
- Jutta Hipp With Zoot Sims 
JulyMajor Minor MNLP 29UK 19682000 € 
- July (mono only) 
Kerouac, JackDot DLP 3154USA 19592000 € 
- Poetry For The Beat Generation (withdrawn album, less than 150 copies exist) 
MadrigalNo Label ARB 136USA 19712000 € 
- Madrigal (100 copies only?) 
Madrigal, MargaritaDoubleday XTV-19762USA 19532000 € 
- Madrigal's Magic Key To Spanish: Record 1 (Andy Warhol Coverart) 
Madrigal, MargaritaDoubleday XTV-19765USA 19532000 € 
- Madrigal's Magic Key To Spanish: Record 2 (Andy Warhol Coverart) 
Malone, WilFontana STL 5541UK 19702000 € 
- Wil Malone  
McLean, JackieAd Lib 6601USA 19552000 € 
- The New Tradition 
Morgan, LeeBlue Note BLP 1590USA 19582000 € 
- Candy (with Sonny Clark, Doug Watkins, Art Taylor) 
New CreationAlpha Omega -CAN 19702000 € 
- Troubled (100 copies only) 
Police, TheA&M L37068AUS 19792000 € 
- Regatta De Blanc (Australia-only pressing on blue speckled vinyl) 
Schwindt, ChristianRCA LSP 10070FIN 19652000 € 
- For Friends And Relatives (feat. Heikki Sarmanto, Otto Donner) 
Shihab, SahibOktav OKLP 111DEN 19652000 € 
- And The Danish Radio Jazz Group 
Sun RaEl Saturn 6161USA 19782000 € 
- Song Of The Stargazers 
Sun RaEl Saturn SR-LP 0216USA 19572000 € 
- Super-Sonic Jazz (white/red cover) 
Tripsichord Music BoxSan Francisco Sound 12700USA 19702000 € 
- Tripsichord Music Box (no trace of 'Janus' on label or cover) 
Tyburn TallLutz Kern 001-2GER 19722000 € 
- Tyburn Tall  
Various ArtistsCBS XTV-15688/692USA 19512000 € 
- The Nation's Nightmare (Andy Warhol Coverart) 
Verocai, ArthurContinental SLP 10.079BRA 19722000 € 
- Arthur Verocai 
C.A. QuintetCandy Floss CF-7746SUSA 19691750 € 
- Trip Thru Hell  
Music EmporiumSentinel PC 69001USA 19691750 € 
- Music Emporium (die-cut gatefold cover) 
AgincourtMerlin HF3UK 19701500 € 
- Fly Away (paper sleeve with lyrics insert. 99 copies only?) 
Alice Through The Looking GlassSNP -UK 19691500 € 
- Alice Through The Looking Glass (less than 100 copies pressed) 
AlphataurusMagma MAGL 18001ITA 19731500 € 
- Alphataurus (triple gatefold cover) 
Andy & The Riverside SextetORC OLPS 006USA 19681500 € 
- Andy & The Riverside Sextet  
Anonima Sound Ltd.Arcobaleno LP 000111ITA 19721500 € 
- The Red Tape Machine  
Arkay IVMarion 22596USA 19681500 € 
- For Internal Use Only  
Basso-Valdambrini QuintetJolly LPJ 5010ITA 19601500 € 
- Plus Dino Piana  
Beatles, TheVee Jay VJLP 1085USA 19641500 € 
- The Beatles & Frank Ifield On Stage (blue portrait cover) 
Beatles, TheCapitol ST 2553USA 19661500 € 
- Yesterday And Today (Second State) ('Trunk Cover' pasted over 'Butcher Cover', un-peeled) 
BrigadeBand 'N Vocal BVRS 1066USA 19701500 € 
- Last Laugh (100 copies only?) 
Brooks, TinaBlue Note BLP 4041USA 19601500 € 
- True Blue 
CanMusic Factory SRS 001GER 19691500 € 
- Monster Movie  
ChristmasParagon No. 18CAN 19691500 € 
- Christmas 
ClimaxLyra LPE 3067BOL 19741500 € 
- Gusano Mecanico (Bolivia only release) 
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