Label: Warwick

Adams, FayeW 2031USA 1961125 € 
- Shake A Hand 
Adams, Pepper & Donald ByrdW 2041USA 196125 € 
- Out Of This World 
Biddu OrchestraPR 5054UK 197810 € 
- Disco Gold 
Brito, PhilW 2017USA 196110 € 
- An American In Rome 
Burns, RalphW 5001USA 196110 € 
- Where There's Burns There's Fire 
Charles, TeddyW 2033USA 196175 € 
- Jazz In The Garden (At The Museum Of Modern Art) 
Craft, MortyW 5007USA 196110 € 
- Glenn Miller Meets The Dorsey Brothers In Percussion 
Craft, MortyW 5004USA 196110 € 
- In Percussion 
Craft, MortyW 2001USA 195910 € 
- Memories Of Jolie 
Craft, MortyW 2022USA 196010 € 
- Percussion In Hollywood, Broadway And Television 
Craft, MortyW 5000USA 196110 € 
- Percussion In Hollywood, Broadway And Television 
Craft, MortyW 5002USA 196110 € 
- The World Of Percussion 
Crewe, BobW 2034USA 196110 € 
- Crazy In The Heart 
Crewe, BobW 2009USA 196010 € 
- Kicks 
Damari, ShoshanaW 2015USA 196010 € 
- Kalaniot 
Davis, Danny & Frank D'AmoreW 2024USA 196010 € 
- The Egghead And I 
Farrell, BillW 2013USA 196010 € 
- My Concerto 
Fireballs, TheW 2042USA 196125 € 
- Here Are The Fireballs 
Fuller, CurtisW 2038USA 196125 € 
- Boss Of The Soul Stream Trombone 
Gale, SunnyW 2018USA 196150 € 
- Sunny 
Halos, TheW 2046USA 1962100 € 
- The Halos  
Hammer, JackW 2014USA 196025 € 
- Rebellion (Songs And Poems Of The Beat Generation) 
Haymes, DickW 2023USA 196010 € 
- Richard The Lion-Hearted 
Hill, AndrewW 2002USA 196025 € 
- So In Love  
Jeffries, FranW 2020USA 196025 € 
- Fran Can Really Hang You Up The Most 
Jeremy's FriendsW 2019USA 196110 € 
- Jeremy's Friends 
Johnny & The HurricanesW 2007USA 195925 € 
- Featuring Red River Rock 
Johnny & The HurricanesW 2010USA 196010 € 
- Stormsville 
Kenny, BillW 2021USA 196010 € 
- Mr. Ink Spot 
Litter, TheWM 671AUSA 1967500 € 
- Distortions 
Monro, MattW 2045USA 196110 € 
- My Kind Of Girl 
Okun, MiltW 2011USA 196110 € 
- America's Best Loved Folk Songs 
Osborne, MaryW 2004USA 196025 € 
- A Girl And Her Guitar 
Shirley & LeeW 2028USA 196150 € 
- Let The Good Times Roll (reissue) 
Smith, JohnnyW 2003USA 195910 € 
- Imagination 
Stevens, LeithW 2030USA 196125 € 
- Hell To Eternity (Soundtrack) 
Stewart, AndyW 2043USA 196110 € 
- A Scottish Soldier 
String-A-LongsW 2036USA 196110 € 
- Pick A Hit 
Ted TaylorW 2049USA 196210 € 
- Sings 
Various ArtistsW 2008USA 196010 € 
- Gold Hits 
Various ArtistsW 2008USA 196010 € 
- Goodies But Oldies, Vol. 2 
Various ArtistsW 2044USA 196110 € 
- More Gold Hits, Vol. 2 
Various ArtistsW 2048USA 196210 € 
- Still More Gold Hits, Vol. 3 
Various ArtistsW 2026USA 196110 € 
- The Best Of Rhythm And Blues 
Various ArtistsW 2025USA 196110 € 
- The Best Of The R&B Groups 
Various ArtistsW 5003USA 196125 € 
- The Soul Of Jazz Percussion 
Warren, FranW 2012USA 196010 € 
- Something's Coming From... 
Warwick Symphony OrchestraW 5005USA 196110 € 
- Concertos In Percussion 
Williams, CootieW 2027USA 196110 € 
- Do Nothing Til You Hear From Cootie 
Wright, NatW 2040USA 196110 € 
- Biggest Voice In Jazz 
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