Label: Tiger Lily

James, JayTK 14053USA 197650 € 
- Good Times & Bad Times 
Rose, TimTK 14055USA 1976100 € 
- Unfinished Song  
Claude & SherryTK 14057USA 197650 € 
- Claude & Sherry 
Faria, GlennTK 14058USA 1976250 € 
- Glenn Faria (Headstone Circus) 
Scoggins, JohnTK 14059USA 1976150 € 
- Pressed For Time 
Mead, DavidTK 14060USA 1976150 € 
- I'm On Stage 
Jackson SistersTK 14061USA 1976500 € 
- Jackson Sisters 
Corbitt, Jerry & Charlie DanielsTL 14001USA 197675 € 
- Live I 
Corbitt, Jerry & Charlie DanielsTL 14002USA 1976100 € 
- Live II 
Titus, LibbyTL 14003USA 197650 € 
- Libby Titus 
Brubeck, DariusTL 14004USA 197625 € 
- Darius Brubeck & Friends 
Berry, ScottTL 14005USA 197650 € 
- Morning Glory 
DakotaTL 14006USA 1976250 € 
- Dakota  
Daddy WarbucksTL 14007USA 1976350 € 
- Daddy Warbucks 1 (James Cahool Lindsay) 
Gordon, JonTL 14008USA 197675 € 
- Jon Gordon 
Various ArtistsTL 14010USA 197625 € 
- Reading Festival Featuring Rod Stewart 
Lewis, DavidTL 14011USA 1976125 € 
- Just Mollie & Me 
Starr, CharlieTL 14012USA 197650 € 
- Charlie Starr 
StonewallTL 14013USA 19762500 € 
- Stonewall 
BreezeTL 14015USA 197675 € 
- Soft Wind & Summer Night 
Too SmoothTL 14016USA 1976750 € 
- Too Smooth 
Vega, TataTL 14018USA 197625 € 
- Tata Vega 
Rinehart, BillTL 14020USA 1976350 € 
- Dynamite 
Hines, Steven *BandTL 14021USA 197650 € 
- It Takes So Long, But It's Worth Waiting For 
Gray, DobieTL 14022USA 197625 € 
- Dobie Gray 
Pryor, RichardTL 14023USA 197610 € 
- L.A. Jail 
Taylor, AdamTL 14024USA 197675 € 
- Adam Taylor (Country Funk) 
Keane, CalvinTL 14025USA 1976150 € 
- Calvin Keane 
Newton-Howard, JamesTL 14026USA 197650 € 
- James Newton-Howard 
Hobo GrinTL 14029USA 1976250 € 
- Star Arisen' 
Turner, VelvertTL 14030USA 1976100 € 
- Velvert Turner Group (reissue of Family Productions FPS 2704) 
OdysseyTL 14031USA 1976150 € 
- Electric One 
BillayTL 14033USA 197750 € 
- Sleepy Hollow (reissue of Family Productions FPS 2708) 
Heavy CruiserTL 14034USA 1976100 € 
- Heavy Cruiser (reissue of Family Productions FPS 2712) 
Clarke, LindaTL 14035USA 197650 € 
- Yes, Indeed! 
Sherman, SteveTL 14036USA 197650 € 
- It Is What It Is ... 
King, ClydieTL 14037USA 1976250 € 
- Rushing To Meet You 
Walrus, OliverTL 14038USA 1976150 € 
- Me, Myself And I  
Gordon, AlanTL 14039USA 1976500 € 
- The ExtraGordonary Band 
OnionTL 14040USA 1976175 € 
- Made From Plate 
T'SongoTL 14042USA 197675 € 
- T'Songo 
Lindsay, James Cahoon *BandTL 14043USA 197650 € 
- Kinky Mersey 
Carr, FrankieTL 14044USA 197675 € 
- Frankie Carr 
AirborneTL 14045USA 197650 € 
- Airborne 
Holbrook, Jon *ExperienceTL 14046USA 1976150 € 
- Miserable You 
Woodstock RevivalTL 14047USA 197775 € 
- Cruisin' In Time 
CrackTL 14048USA 1976175 € 
- Day Of Doom 
Lee, Spanky & Johnny LeeTL 14049USA 1976350 € 
- Spanky & Johnny 
Chopper TL 14050USA 197675 € 
- Live In New York 
Cotter, Robert TL 14051USA 1976100 € 
- Missing You 
Drake, Steve *BandTL 14054USA 1977150 € 
- Nature Intended (Steve Kaczorowski) 
Fields & ShipleyTL 14056USA 197675 € 
- Fields & Shipley 
TogetherTL 14062USA 1976150 € 
- Together 
Soles, SteveTL 14063USA 197675 € 
- Steve Soles & Friends 
Anders, PeterTL 14064USA 197650 € 
- Peter Anders 
Sounds Of The City ExperienceTL 14065USA 19761000 € 
- Sounds Of The City Experience 
Boyd, BobbyTL 14066USA 19761000 € 
- Bobby Boyd 
Jade, RolandTL 14067USA 197650 € 
- 12 For The Road 
Grasso, RichardTL 14068USA 197675 € 
- Season Of Grace 
CalliopeTL 14069USA 197625 € 
- Calliope 
Brother BaitTL 14070USA 197625 € 
- Brother Bait 
Brother BaitTL 14071USA 197625 € 
- Alive 
Jackson SistersTLR 001USA 197625 € 
- I Believe In Miracles (12"-Single) 
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