Label: Takoma

Auldridge, MikeD-1041USA 197410 € 
- Blues And Blue Grass 
Auldridge, MikeD-1033USA 197210 € 
- Dobro 
Basho, RobbieC-1006USA 196650 € 
- Contemporary Guitar, Spring '67 (feat. John Fahey, Max Ochs, Harry Taussig) 
Basho, RobbieC-1031USA 196850 € 
- Song Of The Stallion 
Basho, RobbieC-1017USA 196750 € 
- The Falconer's Arm I 
Basho, RobbieC-1018USA 196750 € 
- The Falconer's Arm II 
Basho, RobbieC-1007USA 196750 € 
- The Grail & The Lotus 
Basho, RobbieC-1005USA 196550 € 
- The Seal Of The Blue Lotus 
Basho, RobbieC-1012USA 196750 € 
- Volume 3: Basho Sings 
Blake, NormanTAK 7064USA 197810 € 
- Directions 
Blake, NormanD-1052USA 197610 € 
- Live At McCabe's 
Blake, NormanTAK 7052USA 197910 € 
- Live At McCabe's (reissue) 
Bloomfield, MichaelB-1059USA 197710 € 
- Analine 
Bloomfield, MichaelTAK 7070USA 197910 € 
- Between The Hard Place & The Ground 
Bloomfield, MichaelTAK 7091USA 198110 € 
- Crusin' For A Brusin' 
Bloomfield, MichaelB-1063USA 197810 € 
- Michael Bloomfield 
Burnett, T-BoneTAK 7080USA 198010 € 
- Truth Decay 
Canned HeatTAK 7066USA 197810 € 
- Human Condition 
Clark, GeneTAK 7112USA 198410 € 
- Firebyrd 
Kitajima, OsamuTAK 7107USA 198310 € 
- Face To Face 
Lang, PeterC-1034USA 197310 € 
- The Thing At The Nursery Room Window 
Nelson, WillieTAK 7104USA 198310 € 
- The Legend Begins (reissue of Face Of A Fighter) 
Taylor, TutC-1050USA 197610 € 
- Dobrolic Plectral Society 
Wakefield, FrankTAK 7082USA 198010 € 
- Blues Stay Away From Me 
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