Label: Rock-O-Rama

Allegiance, TheRRR 84GER 198925 € 
- Don't Bother Me 
Allegiance, TheRRR 80GER 198925 € 
- Rough Justice (Mini-LP) 
AppendixRRR 26GER 198350 € 
- Money Is Not My Currency 
AppendixRRR 37GER 198450 € 
- Top Of The Pops 
Arresting OfficersRRR 91GER 199050 € 
- Land And Heritage 
Arresting OfficersRRR 76GER 198875 € 
- Patriotic Voice 
B. TrugRRR 14GER 198250 € 
- Lieber Schwierig Als Schmierig 
BastardsRRR 29GER 198450 € 
- Siberian Hardcore 
Body ChecksRRR 43GER 198475 € 
- Tätowiert Und Kahlgeschoren 
Böhse OnkelzRRR 48GER 198575 € 
- Böse Menschen – Böse Lieder (with insert) 
Böhse OnkelzRRR 40GER 1984400 € 
- Der Nette Mann (with poster) 
Böhse OnkelzRRR 71GER 198850 € 
- Freitag Nacht 
Böhse OnkelzRRR 72GER 198850 € 
- Hässlich (12"-EP) 
Böhse OnkelzRRR 55GER 198550 € 
- Mexico 
BomberRRR 119GER 199225 € 
- Das Böse Lebt! 
Boots & BracesRRR 69GER 198850 € 
- Wahnsinn 
Bound For GloryRRR 133GER 199275 € 
- Over The Top 
Bound For GloryRRR 95GER 199075 € 
- Warriors Glory 
Bound For GloryRRR 107GER 199075 € 
- When The Hammer Falls 
Brutal AttackRRR 73GER 198875 € 
- As The Drum Beats 
Brutal AttackRRR 131GER 199275 € 
- Into Apocalypse 
Brutal AttackRRR 108GER 199075 € 
- Lost And Found 
Brutal AttackRRR 93GER 199075 € 
- Steel Rolling On (2LP-Set) 
Brutal AttackRRR 57GER 198675 € 
- Stronger Than Before 
Brutal AttackRRR 81GER 198975 € 
- Tales Of Glory 
Brutal CombatRRR 62GER 198675 € 
- Charles Martel 
Brutal VerschimmeltRRR 25GER 198350 € 
- Brutal Verschimmelt 
Chaos ZRRR 13GER 198250 € 
- Ohne Gnade 
Chauves PourrisRRR 128GER 199225 € 
- Vaterland 
Combat 84RRR 35GER 198475 € 
- Send In The Marines! 
Condemned 84RRR 134GER 199275 € 
- Storming To Power 
Condemned 84RRR 111GER 199175 € 
- The Boots Go Marching In 
CotzbrockenRRR 7GER 198150 € 
- Jedem Das Seine 
CrossRRR 120GER 199225 € 
- Rise And Conquer 
Der Durstige MannRRR 50GER 198525 € 
- Bier 4 Tot (reissue) 
Der FluchRRR 9GER 198250 € 
- Der Fluch 
Der FluchRRR 11GER 198250 € 
- Die Gesandten Des Grauens (12"-EP) 
DestrucktionsRRR 31GER 198375 € 
- Vox Populi 
Deutscher W. & OHLRRR 16GER 198350 € 
- Oktoberrevolution (re-release with new cover) 
Die AlliiertenRRR 15GER 198250 € 
- Ruhm Und Ehre 
Doc MartenRRR 87GER 198950 € 
- One Land To Care For 
Elite TerrorRRR 96GER 199050 € 
- Flame Of Pride 
EmpireRRR 105GER 199050 € 
- Empire Strikes Back 
EndstufeRRR 64GER 198750 € 
- Der Clou 
EndstufeRRR 138GER 199350 € 
- Glatzenparty (2LP-Set) 
EndstufeRRR 94GER 199025 € 
- Skinhead Rock`N`Roll 
Endstufe & VolksgemurmelRRR 106GER 199050 € 
- Allzeit Bereit 
FortressRRR 130GER 199250 € 
- Fortress 
FreikorpsRRR 132GER 1992150 € 
- Land Meiner Väter 
Indecent ExposureRRR 63GER 198675 € 
- No Looking Back 
Indecent ExposureRRR 54GER 198550 € 
- Reveal All! 
KahlkopfRRR 68GER 198750 € 
- Der Metzger 
KahlkopfRRR 98GER 199050 € 
- Soldat 
Kansan UutisetRRR 32GER 198375 € 
- Beautiful Dreams 
LionheartRRR 99GER 199075 € 
- Chasing Dreams 
M.A.F.RRR 24GER 198350 € 
- Hau Ab… 
Mad HattersRRR 97GER 199010 € 
- The One... The Only... 
MärtyrerRRR 136GER 199225 € 
- Hammer Hart 
MärtyrerRRR 114GER 199150 € 
- Stolz 
MassacreRRR 49GER 198575 € 
- Massacre 
New GloryRRR 74GER 198850 € 
- Backlash 
Nikoteens, TheRRR 30GER 198350 € 
- Aloah-Oehh 
No AlibiRRR 118GER 199125 € 
- Wickedness Of Mankind 
OHLRRR 12GER 198225 € 
- 1000 Kreuze 
OHLRRR 6GER 198150 € 
- Heimatfront 
OHLRRR 60GER 198625 € 
- Jenseits Von Gut Und Böse 
OHLRRR 5GER 198175 € 
- Live EP (7"-EP) 
OHLRRR 4GER 1981100 € 
- OHL (7"-EP) 
OHLRRR 16GER 198375 € 
- Oktoberrevolution (Mini-LP, with poster) 
OHLRRR 18GER 198325 € 
- Verbannte Erde 
Oi DramzRRR 135GER 199225 € 
- Oi Dramz 
Our Neighbors SuckRRR 56GER 198525 € 
- Isolation 
Public EnemyRRR 58GER 198675 € 
- Englands Glory (Oi/Punk) 
RadikahlRRR 122GER 1992100 € 
- Retter Deutschlands (Mini-LP) 
Razors, TheRRR 45000GER 1980100 € 
- Low Down Kids (7"-EP) 
Razors, TheRRR 80000GER 198050 € 
- Razors 
RiistetytRRR 27GER 198325 € 
- As A Prisoner Of State 
RiistetytRRR 34GER 198350 € 
- Nightmares In Darkness 
Riistetyt & Holy DollsRRR 44GER 198425 € 
- Raped Future (Raiskattu Tulevaisuus) (with poster) 
RivalRRR 127GER 199225 € 
- We Got The Right 
RoguesRRR 115GER 199125 € 
- Zero Street 
Siste Dagers HelveteRRR 38GER 198450 € 
- The Hell 
SkeptixRRR 17GER 198350 € 
- So The Youth 
Skeptix & OHLRRR 19GER 198375 € 
- The Kids Are United (7"-EP) 
SkrewdriverRRR 75GER 198875 € 
- After The Fire 
SkrewdriverRRR 53GER 198575 € 
- Blood & Honour 
SkrewdriverRRR 67GER 198775 € 
- Boots & Braces (Mini-LP) 
SkrewdriverRRR 121GER 199275 € 
- Freedom What Freedom 
SkrewdriverRRR 46GER 198475 € 
- Hail The New Dawn 
SkrewdriverRRR 47GER 198425 € 
- Invasion (7"-EP) 
SkrewdriverRRR 109GER 199075 € 
- Live & Kicking (2LP-Set) 
SkrewdriverRRR 103GER 199050 € 
- The Strong Survive 
SkrewdriverRRR 85GER 198950 € 
- Warlord 
SkrewdriverRRR 66GER 198775 € 
- White Rider 
SnixRRR 61GER 1986100 € 
- Quand Le Soleil Se Levera 
StörkraftRRR 89GER 198975 € 
- Dreckig, Kahl Und Hundsgemein 
StörkraftRRR 116GER 199150 € 
- Live 1991 
StörkraftRRR 101GER 199075 € 
- Mann Für Mann 
StosstruppRRR 21GER 198375 € 
- Kein Schöner Land (7"-EP) 
StosstruppRRR 20GER 198350 € 
- Wie Lang Noch… 
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