Label: Piccadilly

Briody, MoiraNPL 38008UK 196310 € 
- The Minstrel Girl 
Brown, Joe & The BruvversNPL 38006UK 196310 € 
- Live! 
Countrymen, TheNPL 38003UK 196210 € 
- A Flying Visit 
Ford, ClintonNPL 38034UK 196710 € 
- Big Willie Broke Jail Tonight 
Ford, ClintonNPL 38028UK 196610 € 
- Dandy 
Ford, Emile & The CheckmatesNPL 38001UK 196110 € 
- Emile 
Garrick, DavidNPL 38024UK 196610 € 
- A Boy Called David 
Garrick, DavidNPL 38035UK 196710 € 
- Don't Go Out Into The Rain 
Ivy League, TheNPL 38015UK 196525 € 
- This Is 
James, Jimmy & The VagabondsNPL 38027UK 196625 € 
- The New Religion 
Kestrels, TheNPL 38009UK 196310 € 
- Smash Hits From... 
Martine, RayNPL 38007UK 196310 € 
- East End West End (Comedy) 
Rockin' Berries, TheNPL 38013UK 196550 € 
- In Town  
Rockin' Berries, TheNPL 38022UK 196525 € 
- Life Is Just A Bowl Of Berries 
Schroeder, JohnNPL 38036UK 196725 € 
- The Dolly Catcher 
Schroeder, JohnNPL 38025UK 196625 € 
- Working In The Soul Mine 
Sorrows, TheNPL 38023UK 1965250 € 
- Take A Heart 
Sounds OrchestralNPL 38014UK 196510 € 
- Cast Your Fate To The Wind 
Sounds OrchestralNPL 38037UK 196710 € 
- Hits Orchestral 
Sounds OrchestralNPL 38016UK 196510 € 
- Meets James Bond 
Sounds OrchestralNPL 38033UK 196610 € 
- Plays Favourite Classical Melodies 
Sounds OrchestralNPL 38030UK 196710 € 
- Sounds Latin 
Sounds OrchestralNPL 38018UK 196510 € 
- The Soul Of... 
Various ArtistsNPL 38011UK 196410 € 
- What A Crazy World 
Washington, GenoNPL 38026UK 196610 € 
- Hand Clappin' Foot Stompin' Funky-Butt... Live! (Geno Washington & The Ram Jam Band) 
Washington, GenoNPL 38032UK 196710 € 
- Hipsters, Flipsters, Finger-Poppin' Daddies! (Geno Washington & The Ram Jam Band) 
Washington, GenoNPL 38029UK 196710 € 
- Shake A Tail Feather (Geno Washington & The Ram Jam Band) 
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