Label: Pan

Afrique87 207 ITGER 197325 € 
- Soul Makossa 
Alex87 305 ITGER 197475 € 
- Alex 
Alex88 831 OTGER 197675 € 
- That's The Deal 
American Gypsy88 427 XOTGER 197410 € 
- Angel Eyes 
Barrabas88 439 ITGER 197410 € 
- Release Barrabas  
Braun, Chris *Band87 586 ITGER 197350 € 
- Foreign Lady 
Duffy87 054 ITGER 1973150 € 
- Scruffy Duffy  
Gipsy Love87 053 ITGER 197250 € 
- Here We Come 
Hero87 304 ITGER 1974300 € 
- Hero 
Metropolis87 439 ITGER 197450 € 
- Metropolis  
New Trolls88 278 ITGER 197350 € 
- Night On The Bare Mountain 
Novaks KapelleS 28959GER 197775 € 
- Novakskapellelive (5-Track Mini-LP) 
Sahara87 306 ITGER 197450 € 
- Sunrise 
Secret Oyster88 935 ITGER 197425 € 
- Sea Son 
Uno88 387 ITGER 197450 € 
- Uno  
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