Label: PVK

Byfield, Ziggy & The Blackheart BandPVK 1UK 198010 € 
- Running 
DuffoDUF 1UK 198110 € 
- Bob The Birdman 
DuffoDUF 2UK 198210 € 
- Lexicon 
DuffoPVK 2UK 198010 € 
- The Disappearing Boy 
Green, PeterPVLS 101UK 197910 € 
- In The Skies (green vinyl) 
Green, PeterPVLS 102UK 198010 € 
- Little Dreamer 
Green, PeterPET 1UK 198110 € 
- Whatcha Gonna Do? 
Knight, BrianBRY 1UK 198110 € 
- A Dark Horse 
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