Label: Oriole

Askey, ArthurMG 20017UK 195810 € 
- Hello Playmates 
Contours, ThePS 40043UK 1962200 € 
- Do You Love Me 
Ford , ClintonPS 40020UK 196210 € 
- Clinton Ford 
Ford , ClintonPS 40022UK 196210 € 
- With The George Chisholm All Stars 
Ford, ClintonPS 40025UK 196210 € 
- Country Style (Ancient And Modern) 
Hampton, LionelMG 20012UK 195710 € 
- Hamp 1956 
Korner, Alexis *Blues IncorporatedPS 40058UK 1964125 € 
- At The Cavern  
Lee, KatieMG 20030UK 195910 € 
- Songs Of Couch And Consultation 
Lewis, John & Sacha DistelMG 20036UK 195975 € 
- Afternoon In Paris  
Los AndinosPS 40032UK 196210 € 
- El Cascabel 
Martha & The VandellasPS 40052UK 1963250 € 
- Come And Get These Memories 
Melis, JoseMG 20034UK 195910 € 
- At Midnight 
Miracles, ThePS 40044UK 1963250 € 
- Hi, We're The Miracles 
Pearson, JohnnyPS 40023UK 196210 € 
- Piano Sweet - Piano Wild 
Ross, Leslie *SingersPS 40008UK 196210 € 
- Australian Sing A Long 
Ship, Ruben & John DrainieMG 20006UK 195410 € 
- The Investigator 
Slade, JulianMG 20016UK 195710 € 
- Free As Air (Original Cast) 
Slade, JulianMG 20004UK 195410 € 
- Salad Days (Original Cast) 
Spotnicks, ThePS 40064UK 196325 € 
- In Berlin 
Spotnicks, ThePS 40054UK 196325 € 
- In Spain 
Spotnicks, ThePS 40036UK 196225 € 
- Out-A Space (The Spotnicks In London)  
Various ArtistsPS 40062UK 196410 € 
- Instant Marriage (Original Cast) 
Various ArtistsPS 40047UK 196350 € 
- This Is Merseybeat, Vol. 1 
Various ArtistsPS 40048UK 196350 € 
- This Is Merseybeat, Vol. 2 
Wells, MaryPS 40051UK 196375 € 
- Bye Bye Baby 
Wells, MaryPS 40045UK 196350 € 
- Two Lovers 
Wonder, SteviePS 40050UK 196350 € 
- 12 Year Old Genius (as Little Stevie Wonder) 
Wonder, SteviePS 40049UK 1962200 € 
- Tribute To Uncle Ray (as Little Stevie Wonder) 
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