Label: Mango

Biggs, BarryMLPS 9753UK 198210 € 
- Wide Awake 
Burning Spear210 917GER 199010 € 
- Mek We Dweet 
Gibson BrothersMLPS 9636USA 198010 € 
- On The Riviera 
Perry, Lee210 694GER 199010 € 
- From The Secret Laboratory 
Perry, LeeMLPS 1035UK 199010 € 
- From The Secret Laboratory 
Perry, LeeMLPS 9774USA 198410 € 
- History Mystery Prophesy 
Romeo, MaxMLPS 9503UK 197710 € 
- Reconstruction 
Third WorldMLPS 9789USA 198410 € 
- Reggae Greats (Compilation) 
Thompson, LinvalILPS 9907UK 198810 € 
- Starlight 
TigerILPS 9870USA 198710 € 
- Me Name Tiger 
Wailer, BunnyMPLS 9415USA 197625 € 
- Blackheart Man 
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