Label: Intercord

Andrews, SheilaINT 146.204GER 197810 € 
- Love Me Like A Woman 
Andrews, SheilaINT 146.215GER 198010 € 
- Lovesick 
Ballard, RussINT 145.193GER 199310 € 
- The Seer 
Barnes, Max D.INT 146.216GER 198010 € 
- Rough Around The Edges 
Bradford, Bobby & John Stevens28 465-3GER 197425 € 
- And The Spontaneous Music Ensemble 
Brothers JonesINT 146.217GER 198010 € 
- Follow Me 
Bruce, JackINT 145.069GER 198310 € 
- Automatic 
Cates, TheINT 146.203GER 197910 € 
- Steppin' Out 
Chapman, MichaelINT 146.306GER 196925 € 
- Rainmaker (different cover) 
De DanannINT 161.016GER 197710 € 
- Selected Jigs Reels & Songs 
Dixon, WillieINT 146.211GER 197610 € 
- What Happened To My Blues 
Garbarek, JanINT 147.300GER 197610 € 
- Esoteric Circle 
Gosdin, VernINT 145.068GER 198310 € 
- Music To My Mind 
Gosdin, VernINT 146.224GER 198210 € 
- Passion 
Kendalls, TheINT 146.214 GER 197910 € 
- Heart Of The Matter 
Kolbe, Martin26 555-3GER 197510 € 
- 37 1/4 
Korner, AlexisINT 160.099GER 197810 € 
- Just Easy 
Korner, AlexisINT 170.000GER 197910 € 
- The Party Album (2LP-Set) 
Modern EnglishINT 145.073GER 198210 € 
- After The Snow 
MunichINT 145.090GER 198610 € 
- The Other Side Of Midnight (coloured vinyl) 
MunichINT 145.097GER 198710 € 
- You Never Know 
NightwingINT 146.220GER 198010 € 
- Something In The Air 
O'JaysINT 128.612GER 197610 € 
- Now He's Home (Super Bad, Star-Power Series) 
OrexisINT 160.108GER 197825 € 
- Inspiration 
OrexisINT 160.075GER 197725 € 
- Orexis 
Reith, DieterINT 145.025GER 197950 € 
- Join Us 
Reith, DieterINT 160.116GER 197975 € 
- Love And Fantasy 
Riegel, FriedhelmINT 160.059GER 197610 € 
- Nonsens 
Riegel, Friedhelm28 518-9GER 197310 € 
- Pommfritz 
Smiths, TheINT 125.217GER 198450 € 
- Hand In Glove (12" Single) (multi coloured vinyl) 
Smiths, TheINT 125.219GER 198425 € 
- William It Was Really Nothing (12" Single) (multi coloured vinyl) 
Sun, JoeINT 146.200GER 197810 € 
- Old Flames (Can't Hold A Candle To You) 
Sun, JoeINT 146.212GER 197910 € 
- Out Of Your Mind 
Sun, Joe & ShotgunINT 146.218GER 198010 € 
- Livin' On Honky Tonk Time 
Sun, Joe & ShotgunINT 145.046GER 198110 € 
- Storms Of Life 
SupermaxINT 145.094GER 198650 € 
- Something In My Heart 
TantrumINT 146.213GER 197910 € 
- Rather Be Rockin' 
TantrumINT 146.206GER 197810 € 
- Tantrum 
Taylor, Cecil26301-2UGER 197510 € 
- Silent Tongues 
Thompson, Robbin *BandINT 146.219GER 198010 € 
- Two B's Please 
Travers, Pat *BandINT 145.155GER 199010 € 
- School Of Hard Knocks 
Vitous, MiroslavINT 147.305GER 197710 € 
- Miroslav 
Weston, RandyINT 147.301GER 197710 € 
- Berkshire Blues 
Winter, Kitty *Gipsy NovaINT 160.098GER 1978125 € 
- Feel It 
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