Label: Delmar

Dawson, SidDL 109USA 195510 € 
- Riverboat Gamblers (10"-LP, red vinyl) 
Dixie StompersDL 204USA 195810 € 
- Jazz At Westminster College 
Dixie StompersDL 112USA 195510 € 
- Play New Orleans Jazz (10"-LP, red vinyl) 
Dixie StompersDL 113USA 195610 € 
- Wake The Levee (10"-LP, red vinyl) 
Estes, Sleepy JohnDL 603USA 196250 € 
- Legend 
Fisele, JerryDL 101USA 195410 € 
- And The Fabulous Windy City Six (10"-LP, red vinyl) 
Gifford, WaltDL 206USA 197010 € 
- Walt Gifford ‘s New Yorkers 
Graf, BobDL 401USA 195925 € 
- The Bob Graf Sessions  
Lewis, GeorgeDL 201USA 195710 € 
- Doctor Jazz 
Lewis, GeorgeDL 105USA 195610 € 
- New Orleans Ragtime Band (10"-LP, red vinyl) 
Lewis, GeorgeDL 202USA 195710 € 
- On Parade 
Lewis, GeorgeDL 203USA 195810 € 
- The Singing Clarinet 
Nicholas, AlbertDL 207USA 196010 € 
- Quartet With Art Hodes  
Speckled RedDL 601USA 196225 € 
- Dirty Dozens 
Sullivan, IraDL 402USA 196050 € 
- Blue Stroll  
Williams, Big JoeDL 604USA 196250 € 
- Blues On Highway 49 
Williams, Big JoeDL 602USA 1961125 € 
- Piney Woods Blues  
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