Label: Chrysalis

Abrahams, MickCHR 1005UK 197275 € 
- At Last (gimmix round cover with 3 fold out flaps) 
Abrahams, MickILPS 9147UK 197150 € 
- Mick Abrahams (Chrysalis label) 
Adventures, TheCHR 1488UK 198510 € 
- Theodore And Friends 
Anderson, IanCDL 1443UK 198310 € 
- Walk Into Light 
Armored SaintCHR 1610UK 198710 € 
- Raising Fear 
ArrowCHR 1434UK 198310 € 
- Hot Hot Hot 
Art Of Noise, TheCHR 1528UK 198610 € 
- In Visible Silence 
Art Of Noise, TheCHM 1567UK 198610 € 
- Re-Works Of Art Of Noise 
AuracleCHR 1210UK 197810 € 
- City Slickers 
AuracleCHR 1172UK 197810 € 
- Glider 
AutopilotCTY 1309UK 198110 € 
- Rapid Eye Movements (2LP-Set) 
B.B. & Q. BandCHR 1509UK 198510 € 
- Genie 
Babys, TheCHR 1351UK 198110 € 
- Anthology 
Babys, TheCHR 1195UK 197810 € 
- Head First 
Babys, TheCHR 1305UK 198010 € 
- On The Edge 
Babys, TheCHR 1129UK 197610 € 
- The Babys 
Babys, TheCHR 1267UK 198010 € 
- Union Jacks 
Barry, ClaudjaCHR 1232UK 197910 € 
- Boogie Woogie Dancin' Shoes 
Barry, ClaudjaCHR 1251UK 198010 € 
- Feel The Fire 
Basil, ToniCHR 1449UK 198310 € 
- Toni Basil 
Basil, ToniCHR 1410UK 198310 € 
- Word Of Mouth 
BedlamCHR 1048UK 197325 € 
- Bedlam (with insert) 
Benatar, PatCHR 1275UK 198010 € 
- Crimes Of Passion 
Benatar, PatCHR 1396UK 198210 € 
- Get Nervous 
Benatar, PatCHR 1236UK 197910 € 
- In The Heat Of The Night 
Benatar, PatCHR 1451UK 198310 € 
- Live From Earth 
Benatar, PatCHR 1346UK 198110 € 
- Precious Time 
Benatar, PatCHR 1507UK 198510 € 
- Seven The Hard Way 
Benatar, PatCHR 1471UK 198410 € 
- Tropico 
Benatar, PatCHX 1628UK 198810 € 
- Wide Awake In Dreamland 
Bible, TheCHR 1646UK 198810 € 
- Eureka 
Bible, TheCHR 1732UK 198910 € 
- The Best Of... 
Black BloodCHR 1144UK 197710 € 
- Blood Brother, Blood Sister 
Block, RoryCHR 1157UK 197710 € 
- Intoxication So Bitter Sweet 
Block, RoryCHR 1233UK 197810 € 
- You're The One 
Blodwyn PigILPS 9122UK 197050 € 
- Getting To This (Chrysalis label) 
BlondieCHR 1165UK 197610 € 
- Blondie 
BlondieCHR 1166UK 197710 € 
- Plastic Letters 
Blondie6307 617GER 197810 € 
- Plastic Letters 
BlondieCHR 1337UK 198110 € 
- The Best Of... 
BlondieCHR 1384UK 198210 € 
- The Hunter 
Bogey Boys, TheCHR 1241UK 198010 € 
- Friday Night 
Bogey Boys, TheCHR 1298UK 198010 € 
- Jimmy Did It 
Bragg, BillyCHR 1478UK 198410 € 
- Brewing Up With Billy Bragg 
Bridget St.John6307 534GER 197425 € 
- Jumblequeen 
Bridget St.JohnCHR 1062UK 197450 € 
- Jumblequeen (with insert) 
Broken GlassCHR 1743UK 199010 € 
- A Fast Mean Game 
Brooker, GaryCHR 1224UK 197910 € 
- No More Fear Of Flying 
Brooker, Gary6307 659GER 197910 € 
- No More Fear Of Flying 
Bruce, JackCHR 1324UK 198110 € 
- B.L.T. (feat. Bill Lordan & Robin Trower) 
Bruce, Jack & Robin TrowerCHR 1352UK 198110 € 
- Truce 
Burnett, T-BoneCHR 1317UK 198010 € 
- Truth Decay 
Buzzards, TheCHR 1213UK 197910 € 
- Jellied Eels To Record Deals 
Cajun MoonCHR 1116UK 197610 € 
- Cajun Moon 
Capstick, TonyCHR 1349UK 198110 € 
- Comes Home 
Carrack, Paul210 193GER 198910 € 
- Groove Approved 
Carrack, PaulCHR 1709UK 198910 € 
- Groove Approved 
Carrack, PaulF1 21709USA 198910 € 
- Groove Approved 
Carrack, Paul208 356GER 198710 € 
- One Good Reason 
Carrack, PaulBFV 41578USA 198710 € 
- One Good Reason 
Carrack, PaulCDL 1578UK 198710 € 
- One Good Reason 
ChangeCHR 1504UK 198510 € 
- Turn On The Radio 
Churchill, ChickCHR 1051UK 197310 € 
- You & Me 
CloudsILPS 9151UK 197125 € 
- Watercolour Days (Chrysalis label) 
Colombier, MichelCHR 1212UK 197910 € 
- Michel Colombier 
Colombier, Michel6307 650GER 197910 € 
- Michel Colombier 
Colour Field, TheCHR 1480UK 198510 € 
- Virgins And Philistines 
Dante, StevenCHR 1632UK 198810 € 
- Find Out 
Dawson Read, JohnCHR 1075UK 197510 € 
- A Friend Of Mine 
Dawson Read, JohnCHR 1102UK 197610 € 
- Read On 
Del AmitriCHR 1499UK 198510 € 
- Del Amitri 
Destri, JimmyCHR 1368UK 198210 € 
- Heart On A Wall 
Diesel, Johnny & The InjectorsCHR 1672UK 198910 € 
- Johnny Diesel & The Injectors 
Digance, RichardCHR 1263UK 198010 € 
- Commercial Road 
Digance, RichardCHR 1187UK 197810 € 
- Live At The Q.E.H. 
DivinylsCHR 1404UK 198310 € 
- Desperate 
DivinylsCHR 1627UK 198810 € 
- Temperamental 
Donegan, Lonnie6307 618GER 197810 € 
- Puttin' On The Style 
Donegan, LonnieCHR 1158UK 197810 € 
- Puttin' On The Style 
Donegan, LonnieCHR 1158UK 197710 € 
- Putting On The Style 
Donegan, LonnieCHR 1205UK 197810 € 
- Sundown 
Dore, CharlieCHR 1325UK 198110 € 
- Listen 
Dorning, StacyCHR 1070UK 197410 € 
- Stacy Dorning 
Dream SyndicateCHR 1539UK 198610 € 
- Out Of The Grey 
Dundas, DavidCHR 1141UK 197610 € 
- David Dundas 
Dundas, DavidCHR 1197UK 197810 € 
- Vertical Hold 
EmigreCHR 1228UK 197910 € 
- Emigre 
Fabulous Thunderbirds, TheCHR 1319UK 198110 € 
- Butt Rockin' 
Fabulous Thunderbirds, TheCHR 1250UK 198010 € 
- Girls Go Wild 
Fabulous Thunderbirds, TheCHR 1395UK 198210 € 
- T-Bird Rhythm 
Fabulous Thunderbirds, TheCHR 1287UK 198010 € 
- What's The Word 
Fiorillo, ElisaCHR 1608UK 198710 € 
- Elisa Fiorillo 
Fountainhead, TheCHS 1522UK 198510 € 
- The Burning Touch 
Fun Boy ThreeCHR 1383UK 198210 € 
- FB3 
Fun Boy ThreeCHR 1469UK 198410 € 
- The Best Of... 
Fun Boy Three207 102GER 198510 € 
- The Best Of... 
Fun Boy ThreeCHR 1417UK 198310 € 
- Waiting 
Gallagher, RoryCHR 1098UK 197510 € 
- Against The Grain 
Gallagher, RoryCHR 1253UK 197910 € 
- Blueprint (Reissue of Polydor 2383 189) 
Gallagher, RoryCHR 1124UK 197610 € 
- Calling Card 
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