Label: Chatham Square

Gibson, JonLP 24USA 197725 € 
- Two Solo Pieces 
Gibson, JonLP 12USA 197350 € 
- Visitations 
Glass, PhilipLP 1003USA 197325 € 
- Music In Similar Motion / Music In Fifths 
Glass, PhilipLP 1001/02USA 197125 € 
- Music With Changing Parts (2LP-Set) 
Landry, RichardLP 10USA 197350 € 
- 4 Cuts Placed In 'A First Quarter' (Soundtrack for a Lawrence Weiner film) 
Landry, RichardLP 17USA 197325 € 
- Solos (2LP-Set) 
Russell, ArthurCLS 145USA 1983300 € 
- Tower Of Meaning (320 copies only) 
Snow, MichaelLP 1009/10USA 197575 € 
- Musics For Piano, Whistling, Microphone And Tape Recorder (2LP-Set) 
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