Label: Bethlehem

Adams, Pepper & Donald ByrdBCP 6056USA 1961300 € 
- Motor City Scene 
Australian All-StarsBCP 6070USA 196325 € 
- Jazz For Beach-Niks 
Australian All-StarsBCP 6073USA 196425 € 
- Jazz For Surf-Niks 
Australian Jazz QuartetBCP 1031USA 195510 € 
- Australian Jazz Quartet (10"-LP) 
Australian Jazz QuartetBCP 31USA 195610 € 
- Australian Jazz Quartet 
Australian Jazz QuartetBCP 39USA 195610 € 
- Australian Jazz Quartet 
Australian Jazz QuartetBCP 6002USA 195610 € 
- Australian Jazz Quartet (Reissue of Bethlehem BCP 31) 
Australian Jazz QuartetBCP 6003USA 195610 € 
- Australian Jazz Quartet (Reissue of Bethlehem BCP 39) 
Australian Jazz QuintetBCP 6012USA 195610 € 
- At The Varsity Drag 
Australian Jazz QuintetBCP 6029USA 195810 € 
- In Free Style 
Australian Jazz QuintetBCP 6022USA 195810 € 
- Selections Of Rodgers & Hammerstein  
Australian Jazz QuintetBCP 6022USA 196010 € 
- Six Broadway Musical Hits (Re-release of 'Selections Of Rodgers & Hammerstein') 
Australian Jazz QuintetBCP 6030USA 195910 € 
- Three Penny Opera 
Australian Jazz Quintet & Osie JohnsonBCP 6015USA 195710 € 
- Australian Jazz Quintet + 1  
Bennett, MaxBCP 1028USA 195575 € 
- Hence! Home, You Idle Creatures... (10"-LP) 
Bennett, MaxBCP 50USA 195675 € 
- Max Bennett Plays 
Bennett, MaxBCP 48USA 195650 € 
- Vol. 2  
Blair, SallieBCP 6009USA 195725 € 
- Squeeze Me  
Blake, BettyBCP 6058USA 1961750 € 
- Sings In A Tender Mood (feat. Zoot Sims) 
Blakey, ArtBCP 6027USA 195875 € 
- Big Band 
Blakey, ArtBCP 6015USA 197610 € 
- The Finest Of Art Blakey Big Band (Reissue of Bethlehem BCP 6027) 
Blakey, Art & The Jazz MessengersBCP 6037USA 197810 € 
- Hard Drive (reissue, brown cover) 
Blakey, Art & The Jazz MessengersBCP 6023USA 195750 € 
- Hard Drive (rocket cover) 
Blakey, Art & The Jazz MessengersBCP 6023USA 196025 € 
- Hard Drive (abstract cover) 
Braff, RubyBCP 5USA 195710 € 
- A Ruby Braff Omnibus 
Braff, RubyBCP 6043USA 197810 € 
- Adoration Of The Melody (Reissue of Bethlehem BCP 6043) 
Braff, RubyBCP 1034USA 195525 € 
- Ball At Bethlehem (10"-LP) 
Braff, RubyBCP 6043USA 196010 € 
- Best Of Braff 
Braff, RubyBCP 1032USA 195525 € 
- Holiday In Braff (10"-LP) 
Braff, RubyBCP 1005USA 195525 € 
- Ruby Braff Swings (10"-LP) 
Brown, PeteBCP 1011USA 195575 € 
- Peter The Great (10"-LP) 
Brown, Pete & Jonah JonesBCP 4USA 195710 € 
- Jazz Kaleidoscope 
Buckner, MiltBCP 6072USA 196310 € 
- The New World Of... 
Burke, VinnieBCP 1010USA 195525 € 
- East Coast Jazz 2 (10"-LP) 
Burns, RalphBCP 68USA 195725 € 
- Bijou  
Byrd, Donald & Pepper AdamsBCP 6029USA 197710 € 
- Stardust: The Bethlehem Years (Reissue of Bethlehem BCP 6056) 
Candoli, ConteBCP 30USA 195525 € 
- Conte Candoli  
Candoli, ConteBCP 1016USA 195525 € 
- Sincerely Conte (10"-LP) 
Candoli, Conte & Stan LevyBCP 9USA 195725 € 
- West Coasting 
Carr, HelenBCP 1027USA 195575 € 
- Down In The Depths On The 90th Floor (10"-LP) 
Carr, HelenBCP 45USA 195675 € 
- Why Do I Love You  
Castle, PaulaBCP 1036USA 195575 € 
- Lost Love (10"-LP) 
Charles, TeddyBCP 6044USA 196075 € 
- On Campus: Ivy League Jazz Concert  
Charles, TeddyBCP 6032USA 195975 € 
- Salute To Hamp 
Cochran, Wayne & The CC RidersBS 10002USA 197010 € 
- High And Ridin' 
Cole, CozyBCP 21USA 195525 € 
- Jazz At The Metropole Cafe 
Coltrane, JohnBCP 6066USA 196250 € 
- In The Winner's Circle 
Coltrane, JohnBCP 6024USA 197610 € 
- Turning Point (The Bethlehem Years, compilation) 
Connelly, Peggy & Russ GarciaBCP 53USA 195625 € 
- And The Wigville Band 
Connor, ChrisBCP 56USA 195625 € 
- Chris 
Connor, ChrisBCP 6010USA 197610 € 
- Cocktails And Dusk (Reissue of Bethlehem BCP 20) 
Connor, ChrisBCP 6004USA 195625 € 
- Sings Lullabies Of Birdland (two different covers) 
Connor, ChrisBCP 1002USA 195450 € 
- Sings Lullabys For Lovers (10"-LP) 
Connor, ChrisBCP 1001USA 195475 € 
- Sings Lullabys Of Birdland (10"-LP) 
Connor, ChrisBCP 56USA 196125 € 
- The Rich Sound Of...  
Connor, ChrisBCP 20USA 195525 € 
- This Is Chris  
Connor, Chris & Julie LondonBCP 6006USA 195610 € 
- Bethlehem's Girlfriends (with Carmen McRae) 
D'Amico, HankBCP 1006USA 195525 € 
- Holiday With Hank (10"-LP) 
Davis, Eddie Lockjaw & Shirley ScottBCP 6035USA 197710 € 
- Eddie's Function (Reissue of Bethlehem BCP 6069) 
Davis, Eddie Lockjaw & Shirley ScottBCP 6069USA 196310 € 
- The Best Of... 
Derise, JoeBCP 51USA 195610 € 
- Joe Derise  
Derise, JoeBCP 1039USA 195525 € 
- Joe Derise Sings (10"-LP) 
Dorough, BobBCP 11USA 195750 € 
- Devil May Care  
Dorough, BobBCP 6023USA 197610 € 
- Yardbird Suite (Reissue of Bethlehem BCP 11) 
Ellington, DukeBCP 60USA 195610 € 
- Historically Speaking: The Duke 
Ellington, DukeBCP 6005USA 195610 € 
- Presents...  
Ellington, DukeBCP 6013USA 197610 € 
- The Bethlehem Years, Vol. 1 (Reissue of Bethlehem BCP 60) 
Ellington, DukeBCP 6014USA 197610 € 
- The Bethlehem Years, Vol. 2 (Reissue of Bethlehem BCP 6005) 
Elliot, DonBCP 15USA 195510 € 
- Don Elliott Sings  
Elliot, DonBCP 12USA 195510 € 
- Mellophone 
Ervin, BookerBCP 6025USA 197610 € 
- The Book Cooks (Reissue of Bethlehem BCP 6048) 
Ervin, BookerBCP 6048USA 1961600 € 
- The Book Cooks 
Felice, DeeBS 10000USA 1969100 € 
- In Heat 
Frances FayeBCP 6006USA 197610 € 
- Bad, Bad Frances Faye (Reissue of Bethlehem BCP 23) 
Frances FayeBCP 23USA 195510 € 
- I'm Wild Again 
Frances FayeBCP 62USA 195610 € 
- Relaxin' With... 
Frances FayeBCP 6017USA 195710 € 
- Sings Folk Songs 
Freeman, BudBCP 29USA 195525 € 
- Bud Freeman 
Freeman, BudBCP 6033USA 197710 € 
- The Test Of Time (Reissue of Bethlehem BCP 29) 
Garcia, RussBCP 46USA 195625 € 
- Four Horns And A Lush Life (with Maynard Ferguson & Frank Rosolino) 
Garcia, RussBCP 5006USA 195825 € 
- Sounds In The Night 
Garcia, RussBCP 1040USA 195525 € 
- Wigville (10"-LP) 
Garcia, Russ & Marty PaichBCP 6039USA 196010 € 
- Jazz Music For Birds And The Hep Cats  
Garcia, Russ & Maynard FergusonBCP 6044USA 197810 € 
- I'll Never Forget What's Her Name (Reissue of Bethlehem BCP 46) 
Gordon, DexterBCP 36USA 1956400 € 
- Daddy Plays The Horn  
Gordon, DexterBCP 6008USA 197610 € 
- The Bethlehem Years (Reissue of Bethlehem BCP 36) 
Grant, Sir FreddyBCP 7001USA 195710 € 
- Calypso (Caribbean Troubadours) 
Green, BennieBCP 6018USA 197610 € 
- Catwalk (Reissue of Bethlehem BCP 6054) 
Green, BennieBCP 6054USA 196150 € 
- Hornful Of Soul 
Green, UrbieBCP 14USA 195550 € 
- East Coast Jazz 6  
Green, UrbieBCP 6041USA 197810 € 
- The Lyrical Language Of... (Reissue of Bethlehem BCP 14) 
Hardaway, BobBCP 1026USA 195575 € 
- Lou's Blue (10"-LP) 
Harper, HerbieBCP 1025USA 195550 € 
- Herbie Harper (10"-LP) 
Hartman, JohnnyBCP 6045USA 197810 € 
- All Of Me (Reissue of Bethlehem BCP 6014) 
Hartman, JohnnyBCP 6014USA 195725 € 
- All Of Me (The Debonair Mr. Hartman) 
Hartman, JohnnyBCP 43USA 195650 € 
- Songs From The Heart  
Hinton, MiltBCP 10USA 195550 € 
- East Coast Jazz 5  
Hinton, MiltBCP 1020USA 195550 € 
- East Coast Jazz 5 (10"-LP) 
Jeffries, HerbBCP 72USA 195710 € 
- Say It Isn't So 
Johnny RichardsBCP 6032USA 197710 € 
- Something Else Again (Reissue of Bethlehem BCP 6011) 
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