Label: BYG

Acting Trio529.314FRA 196925 € 
- Acting Trio (Andre Maurice, Jean-Pierre Sabar, Philippe Mate) 
Adderley, Cannonball529.107FRA 196910 € 
- The Beginning 
Alan Jack Civilization529.011FRA 1969100 € 
- Bluesy Mind 
Alice529.016FRA 197025 € 
- Le Nouveau Monde  
Allen, Daevid529.345FRA 197150 € 
- Banana Moon 
Ame Son529.324FRA 196975 € 
- Catalyse 
Areski & Brigitte Fontaine529.026FRA 197325 € 
- L'Incendie 
Armstrong, Louis529.051FRA 196910 € 
- Archive Of Jazz, Vol. 1 
Armstrong, Louis529.076FRA 196910 € 
- Archive Of Jazz, Vol. 26 (Louis Armstrong In New York) 
Armstrong, Louis & Fletcher Henderson529.086FRA 196910 € 
- Archive Of Jazz, Vol. 36 (Louis Armstrong 1924-1925) 
Art Ensemble Of Chicago529.302FRA 196910 € 
- A Jackson In Your House 
Art Ensemble Of Chicago529.204FRA 197125 € 
- A Jackson In Your House / Message To Our Folks (2LP-Set) 
Art Ensemble Of Chicago529.328FRA 196910 € 
- Message To Our Folks 
Art Ensemble Of Chicago529.329FRA 196910 € 
- Reese And The Smooth Ones 
Auger, Brian529.910FRA 197210 € 
- Faces & Places, Vol. 10 
Bechet, Sydney529.064FRA 196910 € 
- Archive Of Jazz, Vol. 14 
Bechet, Sydney529.052FRA 196910 € 
- Archive Of Jazz, Vol. 2 
Beiderbecke, Bix529.054FRA 196910 € 
- Archive Of Jazz, Vol. 4 
Bley, Paul529.114FRA 196910 € 
- Footloose 
Bley, Paul529.313FRA 196925 € 
- Ramblin'  
Blind Blake529.077FRA 196910 € 
- Archive Of Jazz, Vol. 27 (Blind Blake Blues In Chicago) 
Bourne, David E.529.137FRA 196910 € 
- Dawn Of The Century Orchestra 
Braff, Ruby529.123FRA 196910 € 
- Salutes Louis Armstrong 
Braxton, Anthony529.315FRA 196910 € 
- B-Xo / N-O-1-47a 
Braxton, Anthony529.347FRA 197025 € 
- This Time  
Buckner, Milt & Billy Taylor529.138FRA 196910 € 
- Sweet N' Swing 
Burdon, Eric & The Animals529.901FRA 197210 € 
- Faces & Places, Vol. 1 
Burrell, Dave529.320FRA 196925 € 
- Echo 
Burrell, Dave529.330FRA 197010 € 
- La Vie De Boheme 
Burrell, Kenny529.117FRA 196925 € 
- Jazzmen From Detroit 
Byrd, Charlie529.139FRA 196910 € 
- Little Girl Blue 
California Ramblers529.089FRA 196910 € 
- Archive Of Jazz, Vol. 39 (1925) 
Cherry, Don529.301FRA 196910 € 
- Mu, First Part 
Cherry, Don529.331FRA 197010 € 
- Mu, Second Part 
Coeur Magique529.018FRA 197150 € 
- Wakan Tanka 
Coltrane, John529.108FRA 196910 € 
- Dial Africa 
Coltrane, John529.140FRA 196910 € 
- Tanganyika Strut 
Coltrane, John529.141FRA 196910 € 
- Wells Fargo 
Coursil, Jacques529.349FRA 196925 € 
- Black Suite  
Coursil, Jacques *Unit529.319FRA 196925 € 
- Way Ahead  
Cox, Ida529.073FRA 196910 € 
- Archive Of Jazz, Vol. 23 
Cyrille, Andrew529.316FRA 196925 € 
- What About? 
Delcloo, Claude & Arthur Jones529.306FRA 197025 € 
- Africanasia 
Dodds, Johnny529.070FRA 196910 € 
- Archive Of Jazz, Vol. 20 
Dodds, Johnny529.074FRA 196910 € 
- Archive Of Jazz, Vol. 24 
Don Cherry529.206FRA 197125 € 
- Mu, First Part / Mu, Second Part (2LP-Set) 
Driscoll, Julie529.909FRA 197210 € 
- Faces & Places, Vol. 9 
Dunbar, Aynsley529.015FRA 197125 € 
- Blue Wale ('Blue Wale' is not a typo) 
Dunbar, Aynsley *Retaliation529.001FRA 196925 € 
- Aynsley Dunbar Retaliation 
Dunbar, Aynsley *Retaliation529.506FRA 197125 € 
- Aynsley Dunbar Retaliation (Pop Blues, Vol.6) 
Dunbar, Aynsley *Retaliation529.005FRA 196925 € 
- Doctor Dunbar's Prescription 
Dunbar, Aynsley *Retaliation529.504FRA 196925 € 
- Doctor Dunbar's Prescription (Pop Blues, Vol.4) 
Dunbar, Aynsley *Retaliation529.013FRA 197025 € 
- To Mum From Aynsley And The Boys 
Dunbar, Aynsley *Retaliation529.501FRA 197125 € 
- Watchin' Chain (Pop Blues, Vol.1) 
Dupree, Champion Jack529.019FRA 196925 € 
- The Heart Of The Blues Is Sound (with Aynsley Dunbar) 
Ellington, Duke529.081FRA 196910 € 
- Archive Of Jazz, Vol. 31 
Ellington, Duke529.071FRA 196910 € 
- Archive Of Jazz, Vol. 21 
Ellington, Duke529.053FRA 196910 € 
- Archive Of Jazz, Vol. 3 
Freedom529.325FRA 196925 € 
- Freedom At Last 
Garner, Erroll529.144FRA 196910 € 
- Everything Happens To Me 
Garner, Erroll529.143FRA 196910 € 
- Laura 
Garner, Erroll529.110FRA 196910 € 
- Penthouse Serenade 
Getz, Stan529.115FRA 196910 € 
- The Starting Gate 
Gillespie, Dizzy529.145FRA 196910 € 
- Dizzy Atmosphere 
Gillespie, Dizzy529.146FRA 196910 € 
- The Champ 
Golson, Benny & Curtis Fuller529.120FRA 196925 € 
- Arabia (feat. Lee Morgan) 
Gong529.353FRA 197175 € 
- Camembert Electrique  
Gong529.305FRA 197075 € 
- Magick Brother 
Gong529.027FRA 197350 € 
- Radio Gnome Invisible, Part 1 - The Flying Teapot 
Goodman, Benny529.085FRA 196910 € 
- Archive Of Jazz, Vol. 35 
Gordon, Dexter529.116FRA 196910 € 
- Dexter Rides Again 
Grappelli, Stephane & Joe Venuti529.122FRA 196910 € 
- Venupelli Blues 
Greene, Burton529.308FRA 196925 € 
- Aquariana 
Gryce, Gigi529.153FRA 196910 € 
- Nica's Tempo (with Thelonious Monk) 
Hawes, Hampton & Martial Solal529.125FRA 196910 € 
- Key for Two 
Hawkins, Coleman529.147FRA 196910 € 
- An Evening At Papa Joe's 
Henderson, Fletcher529.083FRA 196910 € 
- Archive Of Jazz, Vol. 33 (Fletcher Henderson 1923) 
Hendrix, Jimi529.912FRA 197210 € 
- Faces & Places, Vol. 12 
Hines, Earl529.090FRA 196910 € 
- Archive Of Jazz, Vol. 40 
Hooker, John Lee529.008FRA 196910 € 
- Folk Blues 
Hooker, John Lee529.508FRA 197110 € 
- Folk Blues (Pop Blues, Vol.8) 
Hooker, John Lee529.511FRA 197110 € 
- No Friend Around (Pop Blues, Vol.11) 
Jackson, Milt529.104FRA 196910 € 
- Opus De Jazz 
Jackson, Milt529.148FRA 196910 € 
- With Howard McGhee 
James, Elmore529.004FRA 196910 € 
- The Blues In My Heart 
James, Elmore529.503FRA 197110 € 
- The Blues In My Heart (Pop Blues, Vol.3) 
Johnson, J.J.529.150FRA 196910 € 
- Jazz Quintets 
Jones, Arthur529.350FRA 196910 € 
- Scorpio 
Junior Wells529.510FRA 197110 € 
- Southside Blues Jam (Pop Blues, Vol.10) 
Keppard, Freddy529.075FRA 196910 € 
- Archive Of Jazz, Vol. 25 
Korner, Alexis529.002FRA 196825 € 
- A New Generation Of Blues 
Korner, Alexis529.502FRA 197125 € 
- A New Generation Of Blues (Pop Blues, Vol.2) 
Kühn, Joachim529.346FRA 197025 € 
- Paris Is Wonderful 
Kühn, Joachim529.317FRA 196925 € 
- Sounds Of Feelings 
Kühn, Rolf & Joachim529.009FRA 196925 € 
- Bloody Rockers 
Kuhn, Steve529.136FRA 196910 € 
- Childhood Is Forever 
Lacy, Steve529.126FRA 196910 € 
- Epistrophy 
Lacy, Steve529.352FRA 197025 € 
- Moon  
Ladnier, Tommy529.072FRA 196910 € 
- Archive Of Jazz, Vol. 22 
Lateef, Yusef529.152FRA 196910 € 
- Blues In Space 
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