Label: Allied

Folklords, The11CAN 1969250 € 
- Release The Sunshine 
IntersystemsIS 1SCAN 1967300 € 
- Number One (white cover with stamped on title) 
IntersystemsALS 142CAN 1967200 € 
- Peachy 
Kid Chapman's Olympia Band14CAN 196950 € 
- Goin' Home 
Nichol, B.P.3CAN 1968400 € 
- Motherlove (100 copies only?) 
Nihilist Spasm Band5CAN 1968250 € 
- No Record 
Plastic Cloud10CAN 1968750 € 
- Plastic Cloud (500 copies only, first batch with insert) 
Reign Ghost12CAN 1969250 € 
- Reign Ghost 
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