Label: AVCO Embassy

Gold, Marty6466 001UK 197010 € 
- Moog Plays The Beatles 
Mancini, Henry6466 002UK 197010 € 
- Sunflower (Soundtrack) 
Liquid Smoke6466 003UK 197025 € 
- Liquid Smoke 
Reese, Della6466 004UK 197025 € 
- Black Is Beautiful 
Armstrong, Louis6466 006UK 197110 € 
- Country & Western 
Mancini, HenryAVE 11001USA 197010 € 
- Sunflower (Soundtrack) 
Sebesky, DonAVE 11002USA 197025 € 
- The People Next Door (Soundtrack) 
Stack, LennyAVE 11003USA 197010 € 
- C.C. And Company (Soundtrack) 
Mercury, EricAVE 33001USA 196910 € 
- Electric Black Man 
Saxophone Circus, TheAVE 33002USA 196910 € 
- The Saxophone Circus 
Gold, MartyAVE 33003USA 197010 € 
- Moog Plays The Beatles 
Reese, DellaAVE 33004USA 197025 € 
- Black Is Beautiful  
Liquid SmokeAVE 33005USA 196925 € 
- Liquid Smoke  
Various ArtistsAVE 33006USA 197010 € 
- Soul... In The Beginning 
Vision Of SunshineAVE 33007USA 197025 € 
- Vision Of Sunshine 
Reparata & The DelronsAVE 33008USA 197010 € 
- 1970 Rock & Roll Revolution 
Bead GameAVE 33009USA 1970100 € 
- Welcome  
WeightAVE 33010USA 197075 € 
- One Man's Queen Is Another Man's Sweathog  
Happy FeelingAVE 33011USA 197025 € 
- Happy Feeling 
Glass Bottle, TheAVE 33012USA 197010 € 
- The Glass Bottle 
Toy FactoryAVE 33013USA 197025 € 
- Toy Factory 
Windsor TunnelAVE 33014USA 197025 € 
- Windsor Tunnel 
DiscipleAVE 33015USA 197025 € 
- Come And See Us As We Are! 
Changing Scene, TheAVE 33016USA 197110 € 
- The Changing Scene 
Reese, DellaAVE 33017USA 197110 € 
- Right Now 
Curtis, RickAVE 33018USA 197010 € 
- The Rick Curtis Affair 
Caiola, AlAVE 33019USA 197110 € 
- Bonanza Guitars 
Smokey John BullAVE 33020USA 197110 € 
- Smokey John Bull  
Hambro, Leonid & Gershon KingsleyAVE 33021USA 197110 € 
- Gershwin, Alive & Well & Underground 
Armstrong, LouisAVE 33022USA 197110 € 
- Country & Western 
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