Artist: Taylor, Cecil

Taylor, CecilNew World NW 303USA 197910 € 
- 3 Phasis 
Taylor, CecilBarnaby Z 30562USA 197110 € 
- Air (reissue of The World Of Cecil Taylor) 
Taylor, CecilCBS 64359NL 197110 € 
- Air (reissue of The World Of Cecil Taylor) 
Taylor, CecilInner City IC 3021USA 197810 € 
- Air Above Mountains (Buildings Within) 
Taylor, CecilFontana 688 602 ZLNL 196425 € 
- At The Cafe Montmartre 
Taylor, CecilFontana SFJL 928UK 196925 € 
- At The Café Montmartre 
Taylor, CecilNew World NW 201USA 197810 € 
- Cecil Taylor Unit 
Taylor, CecilCandid CS 9034GER 198810 € 
- Cell Walk For Celeste 
Taylor, CecilLeo LR 153UK 198810 € 
- Chinampas 
Taylor, CecilBlue Note BST 84260USA 196850 € 
- Conquistador  
Taylor, CecilInner City IC 3001USA 197710 € 
- Dark To Themselves 
Taylor, CecilMPS 68.263GER 198010 € 
- Fly! Fly! Fly! Fly! Fly! 
Taylor, CecilPausa PR 7108USA 198010 € 
- Fly! Fly! Fly! Fly! Fly! 
Taylor, CecilFreedom FLP 41050GER 198010 € 
- Great Paris Concert, Vol. 1 
Taylor, CecilFreedom FLP 41051GER 198010 € 
- Great Paris Concert, Vol. 2 
Taylor, CecilUnited Artists UAS 5014USA 195975 € 
- Hard Driving Jazz (feat. John Coltrane, Kenny Dorham) 
Taylor, CecilBlue Note BN-LA 458USA 197510 € 
- In Transition (2LP-Set, reissue) 
Taylor, CecilArista AL 1038USA 197610 € 
- Indent (reissue) 
Taylor, CecilFreedom FLP 41038UK 197710 € 
- Indent 
Taylor, CecilUnit Core 3055-5USA 197325 € 
- Indent 
Taylor, CecilFreedom FLP 40106UK 197210 € 
- Innovations 
Taylor, CecilFreedom 28 422-4 UGER 197210 € 
- Innovations 
Taylor, CecilTransition TRLP 19USA 1956300 € 
- Jazz Advance (with booklet) 
Taylor, CecilCandid CS 9013GER 198710 € 
- Jumpin' Punkins 
Taylor, CecilDebut DEB-138DEN 1963125 € 
- Live At The Cafe Montmartre  
Taylor, CecilFantasy 6014USA 196450 € 
- Live At The Cafe Montmartre  
Taylor, CecilLeo LR 404/405UK 198825 € 
- Live In Bologna (2LP-Set) 
Taylor, CecilMPS 68.220GER 197810 € 
- Live In The Black Forest 
Taylor, CecilPausa PR 7053USA 197910 € 
- Live In The Black Forest 
Taylor, CecilLeo LR 408/409UK 198825 € 
- Live In Vienna (2LP-Set) 
Taylor, CecilVogue LAC 12216UK 195925 € 
- Looking Ahead  
Taylor, CecilContemporary 3562USA 195950 € 
- Looking Ahead  
Taylor, CecilContemporary 7562USA 195950 € 
- Looking Ahead 
Taylor, CecilUnited Artists UAS 5046USA 195950 € 
- Love For Sale  
Taylor, CecilFontana 688 609 ZLNL 196550 € 
- Nefertiti, The Beautiful One Has Come (Marte Röling cover) 
Taylor, CecilFontana SFJL 926UK 196925 € 
- Nefertiti, The Beautiful One Has Come 
Taylor, CecilDebut DEB-148DEN 1965175 € 
- Nefertiti, The Beautiful One Has Come (Marte Röling cover) 
Taylor, CecilArista AL 1905USA 197610 € 
- Nefertiti, The Beautiful One Has Come (2LP-Set) 
Taylor, CecilFreedom FLP 41095/2UK 197610 € 
- Nefertiti, The Beautiful One Has Come (2LP-Set) 
Taylor, CecilShandar DR 83507FRA 197125 € 
- Nuits De La Fondation Maeght, Vol. 1 
Taylor, CecilShandar SR 10011FRA 197210 € 
- Nuits De La Fondation Maeght, Vol. 1 (reissue) 
Taylor, CecilShandar DR 83508FRA 197125 € 
- Nuits De La Fondation Maeght, Vol. 2 
Taylor, CecilShandar DR 83509FRA 197125 € 
- Nuits De La Fondation Maeght, Vol. 3 
Taylor, CecilArista AL 1005USA 197510 € 
- Silent Tongues 
Taylor, CecilFreedom FLP 40146UK 197510 € 
- Silent Tongues 
Taylor, CecilIntercord 26301-2UGER 197510 € 
- Silent Tongues 
Taylor, CecilUnit Core 3055-1USA 197425 € 
- Spring Of Two Blue-J's 
Taylor, CecilAffinity AFFD 74UK 198125 € 
- Student Studies (2LP-Set) 
Taylor, CecilCandid CJM-8006USA 196150 € 
- The World Of... 
Taylor, CecilLeo LR 162UK 198810 € 
- Tzotzil Mummers Tzotzil 
Taylor, CecilBlue Note BLP 4237USA 196675 € 
- Unit Structures  
Taylor, CecilFreedom 28 487-7 UGER 197510 € 
- What's New 
Taylor, CecilFreedom FLP 40124UK 197510 € 
- What's New (reissue of Nefertiti) 
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