Artist: Gilson, Jef

Gilson, JefSFP 10.004FRA 1965300 € 
- A Gaveau 
Gilson, JefPalm PALM 2FRA 1972200 € 
- Concert A La M.J.C. Colombes (with Jean Luc Ponty, Jean Charles Capon) 
Gilson, JefFutura FUT 2045FRA 1971100 € 
- Le Massacre Du Printemps 
Gilson, JefFutura GER 33FRA 1971100 € 
- Le Massacre Du Printemps 
Gilson, JefPalm PALM 1FRA 1972300 € 
- Malagasy (Lumen LD-33908) 
Gilson, JefPalm PALM 5FRA 1973300 € 
- Malagasy At Newport-Paris 
Gilson, JefSaba 15081GER 1966150 € 
- New Call From France  
Gilson, JefMPS CRM 618GER 197175 € 
- New Call From France (reissue) 
Gilson, JefPalm PALM 18FRA 197550 € 
- The Beginning Of Jef Gilson (Anthology 1945/1975) 
Gilson, JefPalm PALM 20FRA 197550 € 
- The Big Band Era (Anthology 1945/1975) 
Gilson, JefPalm PALM 21FRA 197550 € 
- The Meeting Time (Anthology 1945/1975) 
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