Label: Tower

Adams, KayST-5087USA 196825 € 
- Alcohol And Tears 
Adams, KayST-5069USA 196725 € 
- Make Mine Country 
Adams, KayST-5033USA 196625 € 
- Wheels & Tears 
Allan, Davie & The ArrowsST-5002USA 196525 € 
- Apache '65 
Allan, Davie & The ArrowsST-5078USA 196725 € 
- Blues Theme  
Allan, Davie & The ArrowsDT-5094USA 196810 € 
- Cycle Delic Sounds 
Allan, Davie & The ArrowsDT-5074USA 196710 € 
- Devil's Angels (Soundtrack) 
Allan, Davie & The ArrowsST-5043USA 196610 € 
- The Wild Angels (Soundtrack) 
Allan, Davie & The ArrowsDT-5056USA 196710 € 
- The Wild Angels, Vol. 2 (Soundtrack) 
Allan, Davie & The ArrowsST-5139USA 196825 € 
- Wild In The Streets (Soundtrack) 
Almeida, LaurindoST-5060USA 196710 € 
- Acapulco 22 
Band Of The Irish GuardsST-5046USA 196610 € 
- Marching With The Beatles 
Big Ben Banjo BandDT-5112USA 196810 € 
- Best Of The Oldies 
Brenner, Ray & Barry BlitzerDT-5081USA 196710 € 
- Have A Jewish Christmas? 
Buck, GaryDT-5054USA 196710 € 
- Country Scene 
Canticle Of The GiftST-5040USA 196710 € 
- The Canticle Of The Gift 
Caravan, JimmyST-5103USA 196810 € 
- Look Into The Flower  
Chocolate Watch BandST-5096USA 1967400 € 
- No Way Out  
Chocolate Watch BandST-5153USA 1969150 € 
- One Step Beyond 
Chocolate Watch BandST-5106USA 1968300 € 
- The Inner Mystique  
Clark, RoyDT-5118USA 196810 € 
- In The Mood 
Clark, RoyST-5055USA 196710 € 
- Live! 
Clover, TimothyST-5114USA 196810 € 
- A Harvard Square Affair 
Collins, TommyDT-5021USA 196610 € 
- Let's Live A Little 
Collins, TommyST-5107USA 196810 € 
- Shindig 
Crusaders, TheST-5048USA 196610 € 
- Make A Joyful Noise With Drums And Guitars 
Curless, DickST-5066USA 196710 € 
- All Of Me Belongs To You 
Curless, DickST-5016USA 196610 € 
- At Home With... 
Curless, DickDT-5012USA 196510 € 
- Hymns 
Curless, DickST-5089USA 196810 € 
- Ramblin' Country 
Curless, DickST-5108USA 196810 € 
- The Long Lonesome Road 
Curless, DickDT-5013USA 196610 € 
- The Soul Of... 
Curless, DickST-5137USA 196910 € 
- The Wild Side Of Town 
Curless, DickST-5005USA 196510 € 
- Tombstone Every Mile 
Curless, DickDT-5015USA 196610 € 
- Travelin' Man 
Curless, Dick & Kay AdamsST-5025USA 196610 € 
- A Devil Like Me Needs An Angel Like You 
Dodd, DickST-5142USA 196850 € 
- The First Evolution Of Dick Dodd  
Dupree, Simon & The Big SoundST-5097USA 196750 € 
- Without Reservations  
Edwards, WebleyST-5102USA 196810 € 
- Holiday In Hawaii 
Eternity's ChildrenST-5123USA 196875 € 
- Eternity's Children  
Fowley, KimDT-5080USA 196750 € 
- Love Is Alive And Well  
Freddie & The DreamersDT-5003USA 196510 € 
- I'm Telling You Now 
Frost, Max & The TroopersST-5147USA 196825 € 
- Shapes Of Things To Come 
Gardner, Brother DaveST-5050USA 196610 € 
- Hip-Ocrocy 
Gardner, Brother DaveST-5075USA 196710 € 
- It Don't Make No Difference 
Gardner, Brother DaveST-5076USA 196710 € 
- It's All In How You Look At It 
Garvin, Rex & The Mighty CraversST-5130USA 196825 € 
- Raw Funky Earth 
Goodload, Goodwin GoodyST-5031USA 196610 € 
- Supercamp 
Gurley, Sandy & The San Francisco BridgeST-5135USA 196825 € 
- Sandy Gurley & The San Francisco Bridge  
Higgins, EddieST-5158USA 196910 € 
- Music From Chitty Chitty Bang Bang 
Hill, VinceDT-5064USA 196610 € 
- At The Club 
Hill, VinceST-5077USA 196710 € 
- Edelweiss 
Holmes, JakeST-5127USA 196850 € 
- A Letter To Katherine December  
Holmes, JakeST-5079USA 196750 € 
- The Above Ground Sound Of...  
Howard, JanST-5068USA 196710 € 
- Lonely Country 
Howard, JanDT-5119USA 196810 € 
- The Real Me 
Jacobs, RobertST-5172USA 196950 € 
- Ray Bradbury's Dark Carnival  
Laine, FrankieST-5092USA 196710 € 
- Memory Laine 
Leahy, JoeST-5057USA 196710 € 
- A Taste Of Trumpets, A Touch Of Voices 
Leahy, JoeDT-5014USA 196610 € 
- Tabasco & Trumpets 
Lester, KettyST-5029USA 196610 € 
- When A Woman Loves A Man 
Louvin Brothers, TheDT-5122USA 196810 € 
- Country Heart And Soul 
Louvin Brothers, TheDT-5038USA 196610 € 
- Two Different Worlds 
Love Exchange, TheST-5115USA 196850 € 
- The Love Exchange  
Lund, EddieST-5001USA 196510 € 
- Mai Tai Time 
Main Attraction, TheST-5117USA 196810 € 
- And Now 
Malka & JosoST-5032USA 196610 € 
- Jewish Songs 
Manhattan StringsST-5067USA 196710 € 
- Play Hits Made Famous By The Monkees 
Mann, BarryST-5161USA 196925 € 
- Angel, Angel Down We Go (Soundtrack) 
Martin, DeanST-5059USA 196710 € 
- Dino - Like Never Before 
Martin, DeanST-5036USA 196610 € 
- Happy In Love 
Martin, DeanDT-5018USA 196610 € 
- Relaxin' 
Martin, DeanDT-5006USA 196510 € 
- The Lush Years 
Mason, Bobby & Tony DixonST-5136USA 196910 € 
- Our Thing 
Mendes, SergioST-5052USA 196610 € 
- In The Brazilian Bag 
Mike & BrianST-5150USA 196910 € 
- Warm On The Inside 
Miller, PamelaST-5091USA 196810 € 
- Throw A Little Love My Way 
Mizzy, VicST-5086USA 196710 € 
- The Caper Of The Golden Bulls (Soundtrack) 
Moore, Phil III & The Afro Latin SoultetST-5085USA 196710 € 
- Afro Brazil Oba! 
Moore, Phil III & The Afro Latin SoultetST-5051USA 196710 € 
- Wild! 
NilssonDT-5165USA 196910 € 
- Spotlight On Nilsson (reissue of Tower ST-5095) 
NilssonST-5095USA 196625 € 
- Spotlight On Nilsson (first release, black cover) 
Page, BillST-5084USA 196810 € 
- Sounds Of The Sonic Sixties 
Page, BillST-5126USA 196810 € 
- Way Back Now 
Pink FloydST-5131USA 196875 € 
- A Saucerful Of Secrets  
Pink FloydST-5169USA 196975 € 
- More 
Pink FloydST-5093USA 1967200 € 
- The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn  
Rao, Vijay RaghavST-5155USA 196910 € 
- Vijay Raghav Rao 
Rosa, AlST-5110USA 196810 € 
- Guess Who's Coming To Dinner 
ScorpionST-5171USA 196950 € 
- Scorpion 
Scott, AllanST-5164USA 196910 € 
- When I Needed A Woman 
Second Time, TheST-5146USA 196810 € 
- Listen To The Music 
Shades Of Black LightningST-5129USA 196850 € 
- Shades Of Black Lightning 
Standells, TheST-5027USA 196675 € 
- Dirty Water  
Standells, TheST-5049USA 196650 € 
- The Hot Ones!  
Standells, TheST-5098USA 196775 € 
- Try It  
Standells, TheST-5044USA 196650 € 
- Why Pick On Me 
Stewart, John & Scott EngelST-5026USA 196610 € 
- I Only Came To Dance With You 
Stone, Cliffie *Country HombresST-5073USA 196710 € 
- Together Again 
Strange, BillyST-5170USA 196910 € 
- De Sade (Soundtrack) 
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