Label: Philadelphia Int.

Bell, Archie & The DrellsPIR 81161UK 197510 € 
- Dance Your Troubles Away 
Bell, Archie & The DrellsPZ 33844USA 197510 € 
- Dance Your Troubles Away 
Bell, Archie & The DrellsPIR 82195UK 197710 € 
- Hard Not To Like It 
Bell, Archie & The DrellsPZ 34855USA 197710 € 
- Hard Not To Like It 
Bell, Archie & The DrellsJZ 36096USA 197910 € 
- Strategy 
Bell, Archie & The DrellsPIR 81567UK 197610 € 
- Where Will You Go When The Party's Over 
Bell, Archie & The DrellsPZ 34323USA 197610 € 
- Where Will You Go When The Party's Over 
Birdsong, EdwinJZ 35758USA 197925 € 
- Edwin Birdsong 
Butler, JerryJZ 35510USA 197810 € 
- Nothing Says I Love You Like I Love You 
Butler, JerryPIR 83180UK 197810 € 
- Nothing Says I Love You Like I Love You 
Butler, JerryJZ 36413USA 198010 € 
- The Best Love 
Carn, JeanJZ 34986USA 197810 € 
- Happy To Be With You 
Carn, JeanPZ 34394USA 197610 € 
- Jean Carn 
Carn, JeanJZ 36196USA 197910 € 
- When I Find You Love 
Covay, DonPIR 81492UK 197610 € 
- Travelin' In Heavy Traffic 
Covay, DonPZ 33958USA 197610 € 
- Travelin' In Heavy Traffic 
Dap Sugar WilliePZ 34122USA 197610 € 
- From North Philly (Live) (Comedy) 
Ebonys, TheKZ 32419USA 197310 € 
- The Ebonys 
Force Of NaturePZ 34123USA 197610 € 
- Unemployment Blues 
Force, TheJZ 36097USA 197910 € 
- The Force 
FrantiqueJZ 36026USA 197910 € 
- Frantique 
FrantiquePIR 83784UK 197910 € 
- Frantique 
Futures, TheJZ 35458USA 197810 € 
- Past, Present And The Futures 
Futures, TheJZ 36414USA 198010 € 
- The Greetings Of Peace 
Harris, NormanNJZ 36313USA 198010 € 
- The Harris Machine 
Huff, LeonNJZ 36758USA 198010 € 
- Here To Create Music 
Huff, LeonPIR 84530UK 198010 € 
- Here To Create Music 
Hyman, Phyllis240 617-1GER 198610 € 
- Living All Alone 
Hyman, PhyllisPHIL 4001UK 198610 € 
- Living All Alone 
Hyman, PhyllisST 53029USA 198610 € 
- Living All Alone 
Intruders, TheKZ 33149USA 197410 € 
- Energy Of Love 
Intruders, ThePIR 80401UK 197410 € 
- Energy Of Love 
Intruders, ThePIR 65865UK 197310 € 
- Save The Children 
Intruders, ThePIR 65996UK 197310 € 
- Super Hits 
Jean-Claude T.PZ 34246USA 197610 € 
- The Bicentennial Poet 
Jensen, DickKZ 31794USA 197310 € 
- Dick Jensen 
Jones GirlsJZ 36767USA 198010 € 
- At Peace With Woman 
Jones GirlsFZ 37627USA 198110 € 
- Get As Much Love As You Can 
Jones GirlsPIR 85347UK 198110 € 
- Get As Much Love As You Can 
Jones GirlsFZ 38555USA 198410 € 
- Keep It Comin' 
Jones GirlsPIR 25487UK 198410 € 
- Keep It Comin' 
Jones GirlsJZ 35757USA 197910 € 
- The Jones Girls 
Jones GirlsPIR 83831UK 197910 € 
- The Jones Girls 
Jones, ShirleyPHIL 4000UK 198610 € 
- Always In The Mood 
Jones, ShirleyST 53031USA 198610 € 
- Always In The Mood 
Jones, Thad & Mel LewisKZ 33152USA 197410 € 
- Potpourri 
Jones, Thad & Mel LewisPIR 80411UK 197410 € 
- Potpourri 
LaBelle, PattiFZ 38539USA 198310 € 
- I'm In Love Again 
LaBelle, PattiPIR 25398UK 198310 € 
- I'm In Love Again 
LaBelle, PattiFZ 40020USA 198510 € 
- Patti 
LaBelle, PattiPIR 26616UK 198510 € 
- Patti 
LaBelle, PattiFZ 37380USA 198110 € 
- The Spirit's In It 
LaBelle, PattiPIR 85117UK 198110 € 
- The Spirit's In It 
McFadden & WhiteheadPIR 84616UK 198010 € 
- I Heard It In A Love Song 
McFadden & WhiteheadJZ 35800USA 197910 € 
- McFadden & Whitehead 
McFadden & WhiteheadPIR 83613UK 197910 € 
- McFadden & Whitehead 
Melvin, Harold & The Blue NotesKZ 32407USA 197310 € 
- Black & Blue 
Melvin, Harold & The Blue NotesPIR 65859UK 197310 € 
- Black & Blue 
Melvin, Harold & The Blue NotesPIR 81431UK 197610 € 
- Collectors' Item (Compilation) 
Melvin, Harold & The Blue NotesPZ 34232USA 197610 € 
- Collectors' Item (Compilation) 
Melvin, Harold & The Blue NotesPIR 54735USA 198510 € 
- Golden Highlights (Compilation) 
Melvin, Harold & The Blue NotesPIR 65934UK 197310 € 
- Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes (reissue of I Miss You) 
Melvin, Harold & The Blue NotesKZ 31648USA 197210 € 
- I Miss You 
Melvin, Harold & The Blue NotesKZ 33148USA 197510 € 
- To Be True (with Teddy Pendergrass) 
Melvin, Harold & The Blue NotesPIR 80399UK 197510 € 
- To Be True (with Teddy Pendergrass) 
Melvin, Harold & The Blue NotesPIR 69193UK 197510 € 
- Wake Up Everybody 
Melvin, Harold & The Blue NotesPZ 33808USA 197510 € 
- Wake Up Everybody 
MFSBPIR 81889UK 197710 € 
- End Of Phase I (A Collection Of Their Greatest Hits) 
MFSBPZ 34658USA 197710 € 
- End Of Phase I (A Collection Of Their Greatest Hits) 
MFSBKZ 32707USA 197310 € 
- Love Is The Message 
MFSBPIR 65864NL 197310 € 
- Love Is The Message 
MFSBKZ 32046USA 197310 € 
MFSBPIR 65903UK 197310 € 
MFSBKZ 33845USA 197510 € 
- Philadelphia Freedom 
MFSBPIR 69208UK 197510 € 
- Philadelphia Freedom 
MFSBPIR 81459UK 197610 € 
- Summertime 
MFSBPZ 34238USA 197610 € 
- Summertime 
MFSBJZ 35516USA 197810 € 
- The Gamble-Huff Orchestra 
MFSBPIR 83010UK 197810 € 
- The Gamble-Huff Orchestra 
MFSBPIR 80154UK 197310 € 
- TSOP (The Sound Of Philadelphia) (Love Is The Message) 
MFSBKZ 33158USA 197510 € 
- Universal Love 
MFSBPIR 80410UK 197410 € 
- Universal Love 
Montgomery, MonkKZ 33153USA 197410 € 
- Reality 
O'JaysKZ 31712USA 197210 € 
- Back Stabbers 
O'JaysPIR 65932UK 197210 € 
- Back Stabbers 
O'JaysPIR 32189UK 197710 € 
- Collectors' Items (Greatest Hits) 
O'JaysPIR 88281UK 197710 € 
- Collectors' Items (2LP-Set) 
O'JaysPZG 35024USA 197710 € 
- Collectors' Items (2LP-Set) 
O'JaysPIR 69196UK 197510 € 
- Family Reunion 
O'JaysPZ 33807USA 197510 € 
- Family Reunion 
O'JaysFZ 39251USA 198410 € 
- Greatest Hits 
O'JaysPIR 32441UK 198410 € 
- Greatest Hits 
O'JaysFZ 36027USA 197910 € 
- Identify Yourself 
O'JaysPIR 83666UK 197910 € 
- Identify Yourself 
O'JaysKZ 32120USA 197310 € 
- In Philadelphia (reissue) 
O'JaysPIR 65933UK 197310 € 
- In Philadelphia 
O'JaysPHIL 4002UK 198710 € 
- Let Me Touch You 
O'JaysST 53036USA 198710 € 
- Let Me Touch You 
O'JaysKZ 32953USA 197410 € 
- Live In London 
O'JaysPIR 80169UK 197410 € 
- Live In London 
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