Label: Light

Agajanian, Dennis60086-1USA 198210 € 
- Rebel To The Wrong 
Alvarez, Jason60088-1USA 198210 € 
- Just Give Me Jesus 
Archers, TheLS 5869USA 198410 € 
- All Systems Are Go 
Archers, The60082-1USA 198210 € 
- Celebrate Live 
Archers, The60072-1USA 198210 € 
- Fresh Surrender (reissue) 
Archers, TheLS 5707USA 197710 € 
- Fresh Surrender 
Archers, The60059-1USA 198210 € 
- Stand Up (reissue) 
Archers, TheLS 5755USA 197910 € 
- Stand Up 
Archers, The60054-1USA 198210 € 
- Things We Deeply Feel (reissue) 
Archers, TheLS 5679USA 197510 € 
- Things We Deeply Feel 
Archers, TheLS 7032UK 197510 € 
- Things We Deeply Feel 
Brush ArborLS 5873USA 198510 € 
- Live! (Centerstage) 
Crouch, Andrae60170-1USA 198210 € 
- Finally 
Crouch, AndraeLS 7066UK 198210 € 
- Finally 
Crouch, Andrae60078-1USA 198210 € 
- I'll Be Thinking Of You (reissue) 
Crouch, AndraeLS 5763USA 197910 € 
- I'll Be Thinking Of You 
Crouch, AndraeLS 7052UK 197910 € 
- I'll Be Thinking Of You 
Crouch, Andrae60091-1USA 198210 € 
- More Of The Best (reissue) 
Crouch, AndraeLS 5795USA 198110 € 
- More Of The Best 
Crouch, AndraeLS 7061UK 198110 € 
- More Of The Best 
Crouch, Andrae & The Disciples60069-1USA 198210 € 
- Live At Carnegie Hall (reissue) 
Crouch, Andrae & The DisciplesLS 5602USA 197410 € 
- Live At Carnegie Hall 
Crouch, Andrae & The DisciplesLS 7018UK 197410 € 
- Live At Carnegie Hall 
Crouch, Andrae & The Disciples60073-1USA 198210 € 
- Live In London (2LP-Set, reissue) 
Crouch, Andrae & The DisciplesLSD 7048UK 197810 € 
- Live In London (2LP-Set) 
Crouch, Andrae & The DisciplesLSX 5717USA 197810 € 
- Live In London (2LP-Set) 
Crouch, Andrae & The Disciples60051-1USA 198210 € 
- Take Me Back (reissue) 
Crouch, Andrae & The DisciplesLS 5637USA 197510 € 
- Take Me Back 
Crouch, Andrae & The DisciplesLS 7025UK 197510 € 
- Take Me Back 
Crouch, Andrae & The Disciples60071-1USA 198210 € 
- The Best Of... (2LP-Set, reissue) 
Crouch, Andrae & The DisciplesLS 5678USA 197510 € 
- The Best Of... (2LP-Set) 
Crouch, Andrae & The DisciplesLSD 7034UK 197510 € 
- The Best Of... (2LP-Set) 
Crouch, Andrae & The Disciples60055-1USA 198210 € 
- This Is Another Day (reissue) 
Crouch, Andrae & The DisciplesLS 5683USA 197610 € 
- This Is Another Day 
Dixon, Jessy60057-1USA 198210 € 
- It's All Right Now (reissue) 
Dixon, JessyLS 7045USA 197710 € 
- It's All Right Now 
Dixon, Jessy60040-1USA 198210 € 
- Satisfied (reissue) 
Dixon, JessyLS 5797USA 198010 € 
- Satisfied 
Dixon, Jessy60075-1USA 198210 € 
- You Bring The Sun Out (reissue) 
Dixon, JessyLS 5747USA 197910 € 
- You Bring The Sun Out 
Felix, James60080-1USA 198210 € 
- White As Snow 
Fischer, John60070-1USA 198210 € 
- Johnny's Cafe (reissue) 
Fischer, JohnLS 5757USA 197810 € 
- Johnny's Cafe 
Glenn, Beverly60061-1USA 198210 € 
- Take Me Higher 
Hall, Danniebelle60052-1USA 198210 € 
- Danniebelle (reissue) 
Hall, DanniebelleLS 5638USA 197310 € 
- Danniebelle 
Hall, Danniebelle60053-1USA 198210 € 
- This Moment (reissue) 
Hall, DanniebelleLS 5675USA 197510 € 
- This Moment 
Hawkins, Walter60038-1USA 198210 € 
- I Feel Like Singing 
Hawkins, WalterLS 5789USA 198210 € 
- I Feel Like Singing 
Hawkins, Walter60056-1USA 198210 € 
- Jesus Christ Is The Way (reissue) 
Hawkins, WalterLS 5705USA 197710 € 
- Jesus Christ Is The Way 
Hawkins, Walter60095-1USA 198210 € 
- Love Alive (reissue) 
Hawkins, WalterLS 5686USA 197510 € 
- Love Alive 
Hawkins, Walter60074-1USA 198210 € 
- Love Alive II (reissue) 
Hawkins, WalterLS 5735USA 197810 € 
- Love Alive II 
Hawkins, WalterLS 5857USA 198410 € 
- Love Alive III 
Hawkins, Walter60081-1USA 198210 € 
- The Hawkins Family (reissue) 
Hawkins, WalterLS 5770USA 198010 € 
- The Hawkins Family 
Infinity60064-1USA 198210 € 
- Infinity 
McCrarys, TheLS 5605USA 197210 € 
- Sunshine Day (as The McCrary) 
McGuire, Dony60092-1USA 198210 € 
- Inspiration (reissue) 
McGuire, DonyLS 5796USA 198110 € 
- Inspiration 
Murden, Kristle60079-1USA 198210 € 
- I Can't Let Go (reissue) 
Murden, KristleLS 5765USA 198010 € 
- I Can't Let Go 
New Bethel Choir60063-1USA 198210 € 
- The Gift Of God 
Owens, Jamie60068-1USA 198210 € 
- Growing Pains (reissue) 
Owens, JamieLS 5684USA 197510 € 
- Growing Pains 
Owens, JamieLSX 7027UK 197510 € 
- Growing Pains 
Owens, JamieLS 5631USA 197310 € 
- Laughter In Your Soul 
Owens, Jamie60058-1USA 198210 € 
- Love Eyes (reissue) 
Owens, JamieLS 5736USA 197810 € 
- Love Eyes 
Rambo, Reba60083-1USA 198210 € 
- Confessions (reissue) 
Rambo, RebaLS 5777USA 198010 € 
- Confessions 
Rambo, Reba60039-1USA 198210 € 
- Lady Live 
Rambo, RebaLS 5799USA 198210 € 
- Lady Live 
Rambo, Reba & Dony McGuire60171-1USA 198210 € 
- Messiah, Bright Morning Star 
Rambo, Reba & Dony McGuireLS 5811USA 198210 € 
- Messiah, Bright Morning Star 
Rambo, Reba & Dony McGuire60084-1USA 198210 € 
- The Lord's Prayer (reissue) 
Rambo, Reba & Dony McGuireLS 5778USA 198010 € 
- The Lord's Prayer 
Raney, SueLS 5587USA 197210 € 
- People Tree 
Resurrection Band60087-1USA 198210 € 
- Colours (reissue) 
Resurrection BandLS 5783USA 198010 € 
- Colours 
Resurrection Band60207-1USA 198210 € 
- D.M.Z. 
Resurrection BandLS 5816USA 198210 € 
- D.M.Z. 
Resurrection BandLS 7067UK 198210 € 
- D.M.Z. 
Resurrection Band60094-1USA 198210 € 
- Mommy Don't Love Daddy Anymore (reissue) 
Resurrection BandLS 5803USA 198110 € 
- Mommy Don't Love Daddy Anymore 
Resurrection BandLSX 7064UK 198210 € 
- Mommy Don't Love Daddy Anymore 
Sweet Comfort Band60076-1USA 198210 € 
- Breakin' The Ice (reissue) 
Sweet Comfort BandLS 5751USA 197810 € 
- Breakin' The Ice 
Sweet Comfort Band60208-1USA 198210 € 
- Cutting Edge 
Sweet Comfort BandLS 5807USA 198210 € 
- Cutting Edge 
Sweet Comfort Band60090-1USA 198210 € 
- Hearts Of Fire (reissue) 
Sweet Comfort BandLS 5762USA 197910 € 
- Hearts Of Fire 
Sweet Comfort Band60060-1USA 198210 € 
- Hold On Tight (reissue) 
Sweet Comfort BandLS 5794USA 198110 € 
- Hold On Tight 
Sykes, Jubilant60093-1USA 198210 € 
- The Number Of The Lord (reissue) 
Sykes, JubilantLS 5800USA 198110 € 
- The Number Of The Lord 
Tramaine60077-1USA 198210 € 
- Tramaine Hawkins (reissue) 
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