Label: Bronze

Angel Witch203 191GER 198025 € 
- Angel Witch 
Angel WitchBRON 532UK 198025 € 
- Angel Witch 
Bronz205 858GER 198410 € 
- Taken By Storm 
BronzBRON 547UK 198410 € 
- Taken By Storm 
Byron, DavidILPS 9342UK 197525 € 
- Take No Prisoners 
Byron, David89433 XOTGER 197510 € 
- Take No Prisoners 
Colosseum25858 ETGER 197810 € 
- Daughter Of Time (Reissue) 
Colosseum25858 ETGER 197710 € 
- Daughter Of Time (Reissue) 
ColosseumICD1UK 197150 € 
- Live (2LP-Set) 
Colosseum85 531 XTGER 197125 € 
- Live (2LP-Set) 
ColosseumBRON 499UK 197110 € 
- Live (2LP-Set) 
Colosseum28876 XCTGER 197510 € 
- Pop Chronik, Vol. 2 (2LP-Set) 
ColosseumILPS 9173UK 197110 € 
- The Collector's Colosseum (Bronze label) 
Colosseum25857 ETGER 197710 € 
- Those Who Are About To Die Salute You (Reissue) 
Colosseum28766 ETGER 197710 € 
- Valentyne Suite (Reissue) 
Colosseum85727 ETGER 197410 € 
- Valentyne Suite (Reissue) 
ColosseumBRNA 214UK 197710 € 
- Valentyne Suite (Reissue) 
ColosseumHELP 4UK 197225 € 
- Valentyne Suite (Reissue) 
Colosseum IIILPS 9356UK 197610 € 
- Strange New Flesh 
Colosseum II28 788 XOTGER 197610 € 
- Strange New Flesh  
Damned, The205 009GER 198210 € 
- Strawberries 
Damned, TheBRON 542UK 198210 € 
- Strawberries (with insert) 
Gene PitneyILPS 9314UK 197510 € 
- Pitney '75 (Bronze label) 
George, RobinBRON 554UK 198510 € 
- Dangerous Music 
Gibbs, Mike28785 XOTGER 197510 € 
- Directs The Only Chrome-Waterfall Orchestra 
Gibbs, MikeBRON 363UK 197510 € 
- Directs The Only Chrome-Waterfall Orchestra (Reissue) 
Gibbs, MikeILPS 9353UK 197510 € 
- Directs The Only Chrome-Waterfall Orchestra 
Girlschool202 426GER 198010 € 
- Demolition 
GirlschoolBRON 525UK 198010 € 
- Demolition 
Girlschool203 556GER 198110 € 
- Hit & Run 
GirlschoolBRON 534UK 198110 € 
- Hit & Run (red vinyl, with booklet) 
Girlschool205 855GER 198310 € 
- Play Dirty 
GirlschoolBRON 548UK 198310 € 
- Play Dirty 
Girlschool204 757GER 198210 € 
- Screaming Blue Murder 
GirlschoolBRON 541UK 198210 € 
- Screaming Blue Murder 
HawkwindBRON 530UK 198025 € 
- Levitation (original pressings on blue vinyl) 
HawkwindBRON 527UK 198010 € 
- Live Seventy Nine 
Hazzard, TonyILPS 9174UK 197110 € 
- Loadwater House (Bronze label) 
Hazzard, TonyILPS 9222UK 197210 € 
- Was That Alright Then (Bronze label) 
Heckstall-Smith, DickILPS 9196UK 197210 € 
- A Story Ended (Bronze label) 
Hensley, KenILPS 9307UK 197410 € 
- Eager To Please (Bronze label) 
Hensley, Ken203 456GER 198110 € 
- Free Spirit 
Hensley, KenBRON 533UK 198110 € 
- Free Spirit 
Hensley, KenILPS 9223UK 197325 € 
- Proud Words On A Dusty Shelf (Bronze label) 
Hensley, KenBRNA 223UK 197325 € 
- Proud Words On A Dusty Shelf 
Heron28571 XOTGER 197710 € 
- Diamond Of Dreams 
HeronBRON 460UK 197710 € 
- Diamond Of Dreams (Reissue) 
HeronILPS 9460UK 197710 € 
- Diamond Of Dreams 
Juicy LucyILPS 9157UK 197125 € 
- Get A Whiff A This (Bronze label) 
Juicy Lucy200 411GER 197910 € 
- Lie Back And Enjoy It (Reissue) 
Juicy Lucy25842 ETGER 197810 € 
- The Best Of... (Reissue) 
Mackay, AndyBRON 510UK 197810 € 
- Resolving Contradictions 
Manfred Mann's Earth Band200 367GER 197925 € 
- Angel Station (with 'On Tour 1979' poster) 
Manfred Mann's Earth BandBRON 516UK 197910 € 
- Angel Station 
Manfred Mann's Earth Band205 915GER 198310 € 
- Budapest (Live) 
Manfred Mann's Earth BandBRON 550UK 198310 € 
- Budapest (Live) 
Manfred Mann's Earth Band202 970GER 198010 € 
- Chance 
Manfred Mann's Earth BandBRON 529UK 198010 € 
- Chance 
Manfred Mann's Earth BandBRON 257UK 197710 € 
- Glorified Magnified (Reissue) 
Manfred Mann's Earth Band205 077GER 197710 € 
- Manfred Mann's Earth Band (Reissue) 
Manfred Mann's Earth BandBRON 252UK 197710 € 
- Manfred Mann's Earth Band (Reissue) 
Manfred Mann's Earth Band28856 XOTGER 197710 € 
- Messin' (Reissue) 
Manfred Mann's Earth BandBRON 261UK 197710 € 
- Messin' (Reissue) 
Manfred Mann's Earth Band89 059 XOTGER 197510 € 
- Nightingales And Bombers 
Manfred Mann's Earth BandILPS 9337UK 197510 € 
- Nightingales And Bombers 
Manfred Mann's Earth BandBRON 337UK 197710 € 
- Nightingales And Bombers (Reissue) 
Manfred Mann's Earth BandILPS 9265UK 197310 € 
- Solar Fire (Bronze label) 
Manfred Mann's Earth Band28 778 XOTGER 197310 € 
- Solar Fire 
Manfred Mann's Earth BandBRNA 265UK 197710 € 
- Solar Fire (Reissue) 
Manfred Mann's Earth Band205 077GER 198210 € 
- Somewhere In Afrika 
Manfred Mann's Earth BandBRON 543UK 198210 € 
- Somewhere In Afrika 
Manfred Mann's Earth BandILPS 9306UK 197410 € 
- The Good Earth (Bronze label) 
Manfred Mann's Earth Band88 369 XOTGER 197410 € 
- The Good Earth 
Manfred Mann's Earth BandBRON 306UK 197710 € 
- The Good Earth (Reissue) 
Manfred Mann's Earth Band27 870 XOTGER 197610 € 
- The Roaring Silence 
Manfred Mann's Earth BandILPS 9357UK 197610 € 
- The Roaring Silence 
Manfred Mann's Earth BandBRON 357UK 197710 € 
- The Roaring Silence (Reissue) 
Manfred Mann's Earth Band25 762 XOTGER 197710 € 
- Watch 
Manfred Mann's Earth BandBRON 507UK 197710 € 
- Watch 
Mann, Manfred200 384GER 197910 € 
- Chapter Three, Volume 2 (Reissue) 
Mann, Manfred200 383GER 197910 € 
- Manfred Mann Chapter Three (Reissue) 
Maran, MikeILPS 9221UK 197310 € 
- Fair Warning (Bronze label) 
McGuinness FlintILPS 9302UK 197410 € 
- C'est La Vie (Bronze label) 
McGuinness FlintILPS 9244UK 197310 € 
- Rainbow (Bronze label) 
Mitchell, KimBRON 556UK 198510 € 
- Akimbo Alogo 
MotörheadBRON 531UK 198025 € 
- Ace Of Spades (gold vinyl) 
MotörheadBRON 531UK 198010 € 
- Ace Of Spades 
Motörhead205 487GER 198310 € 
- Another Perfect Day 
MotörheadBRON 546UK 198310 € 
- Another Perfect Day 
Motörhead201 013GER 197910 € 
- Bomber 
MotörheadBRON 523UK 197925 € 
- Bomber (blue vinyl) 
MotörheadBRON 523UK 197910 € 
- Bomber 
Motörhead204 636GER 198210 € 
- Iron Fist 
MotörheadBRNA 539UK 198210 € 
- Iron Fist 
Motörhead203 801GER 198110 € 
- No Sleep 'Til Hammersmith 
MotörheadBRON 535UK 198125 € 
- No Sleep 'Til Hammersmith (gold vinyl) 
MotörheadBRON 535UK 198110 € 
- No Sleep 'Til Hammersmith 
Motörhead200 435GER 197910 € 
- Overkill 
MotörheadBRON 515UK 197925 € 
- Overkill (green vinyl) 
MotörheadBRON 515UK 197910 € 
- Overkill 
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