Label: 77 Records

Addison, Bernard & Pete BrownLA 12/8UK 196250 € 
- High In A Basement 
Bell, RogerLEU 12/12UK 196410 € 
- And His Pagan Pipers 
Benbow, Steve & Jimmie MacGregorLP/21UK 195850 € 
- Sinful Songs (10"-LP) 
Bilk, AckerLEU 12/1UK 196110 € 
- Acker's Early Days 
Blackwell, Francis ScrapperLA 12/4UK 196325 € 
- Blues Before Sunrise 
Brown, HenryLA 12/5UK 196125 € 
- Blues 
Brown, SandySEU 12/49UK 197310 € 
- With The Brian Lemon Trio 
Carawan, GuyLP/8UK 195725 € 
- His Banjo & Guitar (10"-LP) 
Chisholm, GeorgeSEU 12/43UK 197110 € 
- Along The Chisholm Trail 
Clayton, BuckLEU 12/11UK 196410 € 
- With Humphrey Lyttelton's Band, Vol. 1 
Clayton, BuckLEU 12/18UK 196510 € 
- With Humphrey Lyttelton's Band, Vol. 2 
Coe, TonySEU 12/41UK 197125 € 
- With The Brian Lemon Trio 
Coleman, BillSEU 12/34UK 196910 € 
- Three Generation Jam 
Colyer, KenLEU 12/10UK 196410 € 
- The Real Ken Colyer 
Comton, PeterLEU 12/14UK 196510 € 
- Sound Of 11 
Crane River Jazz BandLEU 12/7UK 196310 € 
- The Original 
Crane River Jazz BandLP/4UK 195710 € 
- The Original, Vol. 1 (10"-LP) 
Crane River Jazz BandLP/5UK 195710 € 
- The Original, Vol. 2 (10"-LP) 
Crane River Jazz BandLP/17UK 195810 € 
- The Original, Vol. 3 (10"-LP) 
Crane River Jazz BandLP/18UK 195810 € 
- The Original, Vol. 4 (10"-LP) 
Davis, GaryLA 12/14UK 196225 € 
- Pure Religion And Bad Company (as Blind Gary Davis) 
Dejan's Olympia Brass BandLEU 12/31UK 196910 € 
- In Europe 
Dial, HarryLA 12/25UK 196310 € 
- Harry Dial And His Blusicians 
Disley, Diz & His String QuintetLP/22UK 195950 € 
- Jazz At The White Bear (10"-LP) 
Elliott, Ramblin' JackLP/1UK 195750 € 
- Jack Elliot Sings (10"-LP) 
Estes, Sleepy JohnLA 12/27UK 196425 € 
- Broke And Hungry 
Evans, FrankSEU 12/37UK 197025 € 
- Mark Twain (Jazz Suite For Guitar & Strings) 
Ewell, DonSEU 12/42UK 197110 € 
- Live At The 100 Club 
Felix, LennieLEU 12/22UK 196710 € 
- In His Stride 
Galbraith, CharlieLEU 12/5UK 196310 € 
- All Star Jazz Band On Tour 
Garner, ErrollLA 12/6UK 196110 € 
- 7 West 46th Street (Erroll Garner All Stars) 
Gonella, NatSEU 12/48UK 197310 € 
- Runnin' Wild (Nat Gonella's Georgians) 
Gwigwi's BandAFRO/101UK 196750 € 
- Kwela 
Handy, Captain JohnLEU 12/16UK 196510 € 
- Handyman, Vol. 1 
Handy, Captain JohnLEU 12/23UK 196710 € 
- Handyman, Vol. 2 
Hayes, Clancy & The Salty DogsLA 12/30UK 196510 € 
- Oh By Jingo 
Hayes, Tubby & Les CondonLEU 12/21UK 196650 € 
- Jazz Tete A Tete 
Hunt, FredLEU 12/27UK 196825 € 
- Pearls On Velvet 
Jones, DillSEU 12/45UK 197210 € 
- Up Jumped You With Love 
Kid MartynLEU 12/4UK 196225 € 
- Down In Honky Tonk Town (Kid Martyn Ragtime Band) 
Kid MartynLA 12/20UK 196310 € 
- In New Orleans With Kid Sheik's Band 
Kid Sheik & Captain John HandyLEU 12/15UK 196510 € 
- In The Groove 
Kid ThomasLA 12/9UK 196225 € 
- And His Creole Jazz Band 
Kid Thomas & Emanuel PaulLA 12/26UK 196410 € 
- Victory Walk (with Barry Martyn Band) 
Kid Thomas & His Algiers StompersLP/11UK 195725 € 
- New Orleans Today (10"-LP, as Kid Thomas Valentine) 
Korner, Alexis & Cyril DavisLP/2UK 1957500 € 
- Blues From The Roundhouse (10"-LP, Alexis Korner's Breakdown Group) 
Lane, SteveLEU 12/3UK 196210 € 
- Wembley Wiggle (And The Famous Southern Stompers) 
Lemon, BrianSEU 12/38UK 197010 € 
- Our Kind Of Music (feat. Sandy Brown, Bruce Turner, Tony Coe) 
Lewis, GeorgeLA 12/28UK 196410 € 
- Smile Darn Ya Smile (with Barry Martyn Band) 
Lewis, George & Louis NelsonLEU 12/24UK 196710 € 
- With The Barry Martin Ragtime Band 
Lightnin' HopkinsLA 12/1UK 1959175 € 
- The Rooster Crowed In England  
McVea, JackLA 12/22UK 196210 € 
- Nothin' But Jazz (The Jack McVea Quintet) 
Miller, Eddie & Lou SteinSEU 12/59UK 197810 € 
- Lazy Mood For Two 
Moore, AlexanderLA 12/7UK 196110 € 
- Whistling Alexander 
Morrissey, DickLEU 12/8UK 1963600 € 
- Have You Heard? (feat. Harry South, Phil Bates, Jackie Dougan) 
Nelson, LouisLEU 12/19UK 196610 € 
- The Nelson Touch 
Nicholas, AlbertLEU 12/20UK 196610 € 
- Albert's Blues 
Pat Hawes JazzmenLP/6UK 195710 € 
- Pat Hawes Jazzmen (10"-LP) 
Purnell, Alton & Ken SmithLEU 12/13UK 196510 € 
- Live 
Rachell, YankLA 12/23UK 196350 € 
- Mandolin Blues (with Mike Bloomfield, Sleepy John Estes, Big Joe Williams ) 
Rimington, SammySEU 12/36UK 196910 € 
- Everybody's Talking 'Bout Sammy 
Saints & SinnersLA 12/31UK 196610 € 
- The Saints & Sinners 
Seamen, PhilSEU 12/53UK 197825 € 
- Phil On Drums 
Semple, ArchieLEU 12/6UK 196425 € 
- The Clarinet Of... 
Shepherd, DaveSEU 12/35UK 196910 € 
- Shepherd's Delight 
Singleton, ZuttyLEU 12/29UK 196810 € 
- Zutty & The Clarinet Kings 
Smith, KeithLEU 12/30UK 196810 € 
- Keith Smith's American All Stars 
Smith, KeithLEU 12/9UK 196310 € 
- Minstrel Man (Keith Smith Climax Jazz Band) 
Smith, Keith & George LewisLEU 12/17UK 196510 € 
- With Jimmy Archey's Hot Six 
Smith, Willie & Don EwellLEU 12/26UK 196710 € 
- Willie Smith & Don Ewell 
Smoky Babe & His FriendsLA 12/12UK 196225 € 
- Hot Blues 
Storyville JazzmenLP/3UK 195725 € 
- Storyville Jazzmen (10"-LP) 
Sudhalter & SonLEU 12/28UK 196810 € 
- Music For All Occasions 
Sudhalter & SonLEU 12/25UK 196710 € 
- The Anglo American All Stars 
Sunnyland SlimLA 12/21UK 196325 € 
- Chicago Blues Session (with Little Brother Montgomery) 
Sutton, RalphS 57UK 197610 € 
- Changes 
Thompson, EddieSEU 12/39UK 197110 € 
- By Myself 
Turner, BruceLEU 12/2UK 196210 € 
- Jumpin' At The NFT (Bruce Turner Jump Band) 
Turner, JoeLEU 12/32UK 196910 € 
- Stride By Stride 
Various ArtistsLA 12/2UK 196025 € 
- A Treasury Of Field Recordings, Vol. 1 
Various ArtistsLA 12/3UK 196025 € 
- A Treasury Of Field Recordings, Vol. 2 
Various ArtistsLA 12/13UK 196225 € 
- Angola Prison Spirituals 
Various ArtistsLA 12/16UK 196310 € 
- New Orleans Today 
Various ArtistsLA 12/29UK 196510 € 
- New Orleans Today, Vol. 2 
Various ArtistsLA 12/10UK 196210 € 
- New York Town Hall Jazz Concert, Vol. 1 (feat. Red Norvo, Don Byas, Teddy Wilson) 
Wallis, BobLP/12UK 195850 € 
- Storyville Re-Visited (10"-LP) 
Wallis, BobLE 12/2UK 195925 € 
- The Raving Sounds Of... 
Williams, Big JoeLA 12/19UK 196325 € 
- Piney Woods Blues 
Williams, Robert PeteLA 12/17UK 196350 € 
- Those Prison Blues 
Williams, Robert Pete & Roosevelt SykesSEU 12/50UK 197310 € 
- Blues From The Bottoms 
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